Which in almost all cases you never have to do, unless you go for like Arch or Gentoo or something, which nobody should do unless they know what they're getting into.
If you installed something like Linux Mint, there's no reason why you'd ever need to go into the terminal. It's just an option for if you want to use it, like the command prompt, powershell, or registry in Windows.
I'm also on a Framework 13 with a 144Hz external. These problems do sound like some beginner-level issues you'd run into on a distro that runs behind in updates.
The only officially recommended distros by framework are Fedora and Ubuntu (although I've run a wide range and they've all worked). They have guides here for all sorts.
Issues 1 and 3, you need to use Wayland on KDE or GNOME and both Wayland and the DE need to be up to date. This is an area where Linux is rapidly getting better.
Issue 2, should be adjustable in any DE settings panel. That's a really strange one because I've never run into touchpad issues in my testing.
Issue 4, no idea. Logitech support is pretty good. Does this happen on all distro? I wonder if this is related to the touchpad issue.
Issue 5, they can be. It depends on your governor program. I strongly recommend setting up TLP. There's some good guides out there in the FW forums. However, avoid disabling USB ports. For other governor solutions I'm sure there's a config file laying around somewhere or perhaps it's saving the last used setting.
Issue 5a, if the issue is fan noise. Check out fw-fanctrl.
Issue 6, this just has to be a Mint thing. I've had fingerprint reading working on everything. My guess is that maybe they're missing the fprint package or the UI/UX is rough. You can set up finger print reading from the terminal.
Issue 7, just select FDE on install if the installer offers it. Linux uses dm-crypt for FDE and it has baked in HWE. I would imagine other Linux encryption programs are hardware accelerated by default as well as support for it is part of the kernel. But I may be wrong about that.
All in all your experience of Linux is going to be very distro dependent and yes it may take some work and troubleshooting. But I think it mostly feels harder because it's different from what you're used to.
I run EndeavorOS and like that it's all basic defaults because then I can build it into what I want. I highly recommend it once you become a little more used to Linux.
Don’t get me wrong. I use Linux extensively, but mostly server loads and gateways. But have used Mint and Rocky as desktops. So I can’t see how someone can reasonably argue that they have the same polish as Windows (or MacOS) for the average user. Too much command line, too many disparate tools without consistency, just to name a couple.
Linux has its place, but it is not for the average person yet. I wish it would get there, but for decades people have been saying this.
Just throwing more personal anecdotal story, I use Mint at home and Win10 at work. The amount of time something wonky happen at work, like Teams being Teams, or issues connecting to wifi, are much higher than at home.
The only time I've touch the command panel is when there's some obscure programs I wanna try out. I don't even know how to delete a file using the Command Panel without looking it up first.
Using Mint as an Internet machine, and even gaming in my case with Steam making it so much easier, I feel much less resistance with Mint compared to Win10. Win10 just hides everything away and I feel like I need to twist its arm just to maybe have it do things I want, and I just want to print something. Mint was literally just plug and print. Mint feels more like Win7 than Win10 ever did to me.
I personally enjoy knowing I can easily search for software I need, know it will run and install without issues and I won't have to fuck around with poorly documented systems when something inevitably breaks.
Sure Windows pisses me off and sucks, but it's still simpler to deal with.
it was somewhat controversial, but the mint people solved for this by including their own curated software manager (re:store) where you can search for (and install/uninstall) packages known to already work well with the distro.
most of my support calls are 'wheres that thing i can install apps with?'
Use a popular Linux distro and employ the app store (that, unlike Windows Store, actually relies on insanely rich repositories that have just about anything) - installing apps on Linux is simpler than on Windows.
As per app support - 99% of all programs are either Linux-native or run just fine through Wine. Unless you have to work in field of engineering or employ Adobe software, you should be just fine
I don't think it is just your laptop. I've not been able to get the fingerprint reader to work properly on my Framework on Linux either. I think the support for them just sucks on Linux.
So there's also this neat feature in Microsoft Office where if you insert a hyperlink to a Google Doc/Sheets/Slides/Forms, Microsoft appends URIs to the end that prevents the link from opening in browsers other than Edge/IE. It can be corrected with a registry edit, but it's been an issue for years and years at this point. Super annoying!
This exact same thing happens when trying to cancel a subscription. Magellan TV wouldn't let me continue to cancel my subscription until I selected a reason for the cancellation.
So I exited the process and contacted support with the message "your website will not let me cancel without providing a reason".
They replied with "you can just select a reason and then it will allow you to continue"
To which I said "and where's the option to cancel without you holding my account hostage until I do what you demand of me?"
They replied with confirmation that they've cancelled my subscription for me.
It seems petty, but no company should be allowed to forcibly extract additional info out of you when you want to cancel. They can ask all they like, but never force.
Here in Sweden you can cancel a subscription however you wish (as long as it's within reason). You can send a company snail mail, email, go by their office, phone, text, whatever reasonably reaches them. They're not allowed to pull the "Oh, buy you have to call [number which leads to an antichurn department]" or "please tell us why" (but of course they're gonna try anyway. If it's an online form you usually have a "I don't want to disclose why"-reason).
Literally what I write in every "Other reason: " box any time some rando software decides to entitle itself the privilege to open up browser pages on my machine.
Hey, Lemmy user in this thread: you're likely in the top 0.1% expertise of all computer users worldwide.
This prompt is aimed at my boomer dad, who wouldn't know what that funny icon is but read somewhere to close his apps for better speed. If his OneDrive docs disappear, I'll get a call about it. At the same time, Microsoft probably can't sell anything to my dad ever again, except his Office 365 subscription, so that makes him the product.
Microsoft is usually pretty good at letting tech users disable this kind of stuff with powershell commands or registry keys, which you already know how to do. And of course businesses join windows PCs to domains and disable this stuff centrally too.
Your stuff wouldn't disappear if Microsoft didn't keep stealing it and storing it on their servers, insteads of leaving it on your PC where it belongs.
This isn't for your boomer dad, this is for Microsoft. You pay them for software, they steal your data. They're literally worse than Facebook and Google now.
My parents are 60 years old and use mint daily. When my mom needs onedrive she just uses the web app through the internet browser. At this point its better for your boomer parents to move them to a OS where they aren't a product and the corporate overlords won't be able to fuck with their local files. the 99% of normal users only use their computers to boot into the internet browser, and every piece of software they use from banking to documents has a web-based front end, a FOSS alternative, or can be emulated with wine.
When you do what microsoft wants, they dont punish you. Microsoft have found a way to treat users like employees. Every company knows to punch an employee above the belt (by nesesity of a cruel world or optionally pretend its true), apologise, give them cake and pray they develop a relationship.
For those that whisper "union" to coworker, punch below the belt, look tough and walk away.
this is how Microsoft hates your non cooperation
They wont mess with buisnesses because they have too much power to abandon their product in mass and are generally aligned with Microsoft's productification practices. However, users "dont have any power".
Microsoft doesnt want users to turn these settings off, devorcing your computer as much as they will allow makes a "your device is not set up" screen to appear at login. Its a lie (or gross redefinition of "set up"). I would argue that it is designed to trick users into turning those fetures back on.
If you run a program or follow a guide to turn off settings in the registry, they have in the past, changed them back. users often dont check every setting to make sure they havent changed in the night.
Microsoft actively disrespected (and mabe still does) the "open urls/links in this app" menu, they give you their sales pitch on edge when switching the prefrence, they overrode the setting to always be edge or they did the above settings tampering
This is the software giant equivalent of the Simpsons out of touch meme.
They're frantically looking for why nobody likes them while they're aggressively doing the thing that nobody likes them because of.
IMO, this is a bit like having a fellow student in your same grade in highschool who asked you out on the first day of class despite not really even knowing your name and when you declined, they asked you why every day for the entire year, and no matter what you said, they would still ask again tomorrow, because your answer never satisfied them.
Listen to me Microsoft, you have a few winners, like Windows, maybe office/365 for the business folks (though, formerly, it was exchange), and a few other gems. Don't ruin the reputation you still have for making half decent operating systems by turning them into an ex that just won't stop calling.... IMO, this whole thing started when you axed MSN Messenger, and forcibly merged it into Skype, rather than bringing clever upgrades from the Skype codebase over to messenger. Everything went downhill from there. Even teams is still tainted by the Skype for business shenanigans that happened. You messed up. Stop irritating the clientele that you still have and give it a rest. Just make a good operating system, and focus on innovation. I haven't seen any of that from you folks since the release of the NT kernel; it's all been predictable iterative changes.
That comparison is missing a bit. That fellow student is not just asking you. He asks everyone and sure enough there are some willing to say yes. That is the problem. There are still enough such people so its worth for them. They don't care about the no sayers. Who cares if you are anoyed if the next five people say yes? So no. They will never back off. Only when the numbers turn red. And then they probably will find an even worse system instead of improving.
OP's article would imply that they do. There's literally no other reason to do what they've done with OneDrive. They've given a list of reasons that they find to be "the only possible reasons why you would reject such an amazing program", and given you no other options. Historically, yeah, that's been the case, you don't want it, fine.... and they go and sell it to someone who does; but this isn't that. This is pestering you as to why you don't like them and no answer YOU provide is good enough; only if you fit into their little boxes, is your answer "good enough".... for now.
Especially infuriating is that I use OneDrive for work and I've got it running all the time but Microsoft decided I need another instance of it running, that I then have to close every time it decides to start up again. What?
Update November 10th, 4:45AM ET: Microsoft has removed the dialog forcing users to fill out a survey when quitting OneDrive, and reverted to the original prompt. In a statement sent to The Verge, Microsoft says:
Between Nov. 1 and 8, a small subset of consumer OneDrive users were presented with a dialog box when closing the OneDrive sync client, asking for feedback on the reason they chose to close the application. This type of user feedback helps inform our ongoing efforts to enhance the quality of our products.
Yeah okay microsoft whatever you say. The only thing you've ever been interested in 'enhancing the quality of' is how tight the leash around your users necks is. At this point I would respect you more if you were just honest about your corporate assholery.
"We don't give a fuck about you as a user and want to test how far we can screw with you just for fun, enjoy your 15.99$/month subscription based service to reduce the new 15 second advertisements that show up whenever you launch a program on windows 12, to one per hour. Slop it up, you removed cattle."
Other: "Why the fuck do you feel entitled to MY information on a platform I BOUGHT. Get fucked Greedsoft. Once Linux can play any game I want I'm out faster than you can say: Windows 14 coming 2026."
I know that this is just Microsoft trying get user feedback but because it's Microsoft, it still seems bad. It's just seems so disingenuous when a company like Microsoft, that usually ignores all user feedback, tries to get user feedback for a product that, if they actually listened to user feedback, they would already know that a majority of Windows users don't want.
You could also open its executable with a hex editor and mangle its header. That'd sure keep it from running, regardless of what anyone else on the computer fiddled with. Or being "helpfully" relaunched by the system, despite your efforts.
Not sure if Windows Update would notice and overwrite the file. Maybe after you do this, mark it read only.
It's close to malware. I recently helped a friend with his Surface Pro; He had two instances of Onedrive as well as two of Teams running. One with his private Account and one with work & school. There just wasn't an easy to find quit option for him anymore so everything was constantly running his battery dead and autostarting after rebooting.
why would you even want to use a computer if it doesn’t have at least two copies of teams and onedrive running at all times? is there even anything else to do on the computer (besides making Bing Searches of course)?
Same reason why I refuse to use Edge. I don't care if its the best browser in the world (which its not), the more you try to force me to use it, the less I'll try it
Even Dropbox is better if you just want a hosted solution that does the same thing. I use syncthing as a self hosted version, I know Next cloud is popular too.
"Are you sure about your decision? Have you thought it through? Gone through all the pros and cons (there are only pros btw)? What if we asked pretty please? Ok what if we tickle your balls a little, what then?"
Listen, Microsoft, it doesn't work for bullied kids trying to get friends, and it doesn't work for you.
It really blows my mind that somehow most popular services/software is at state worse than 10-15 years ago, what the fuck happened? This shit is what is making me move to other interests/hobbies than technology-related stuff.
I have Windows 10, so things may be different for 11 or whatever version you're on, but can't you just uninstall OneDrive without specifically closing it? I feel like that's what I did when it was default installed.
I recently bought a new computer (left the old one in my car by mistake, and the outdoor heat caused the plastic casing to expand) and moved all my old files over to the new one. Somehow, it ended up sticking a bunch of my files (Desktop, Documents, etc.) in my OneDrive (which was setup without any confirmation that I'd like to use it). I had to create a brand new profile that wasn't linked to a Microsoft account on my brand new computer and move everything over just to fix the issue.
Even setting up an account that isn't linked to Microsoft is tricky - particularly if it's the first account. You basically have to keep your PC offline throughout the entire setup, and even then as soon as you connect to the internet it'll start changing things.
O&OShutup is an essential piece of software to run, imo. You need to run it regularly also to catch the settings that get reverted with updates.
The newer Rufus (USB ISO installation tool) let's you NATIVELY apply several mods to the Win10 installation, and one of them is to pre-create a user account that doesn't need to be linked to M$. My favorite feature.
Imagine owning anything, anything you "buy" is just a perpetual license ever so graciously offered to you by MegaCorp, ready to be changed or taken away whenever they feel like they need even more money.
this pushed me to try linux again for the second time. but all i do on my pc is game mostly. i couldn't get the games i was playing at the time to work so i quit. i spent 3 days trying to get resident evil 4 and guardians of the galaxy to work over a single ad for fallout-in-space-game.
i've settled on disabling "get fun facts, tips, tricks and more on your lock screen" check box in personalization >> lock screen
Microsoft now wants you to explain exactly why you’re attempting to close its OneDrive for Windows app before it allows you to do so.
Neowin has spotted that the latest update to OneDrive now includes an annoying dialog box that asks you to select the reason why you’re closing the app every single time you attempt to close OneDrive from the taskbar.
Microsoft has been pushing OneDrive in Windows for years, with it taking over the Documents and Pictures libraries in Windows 11 by default to sync files to Microsoft’s cloud-powered storage.
This new behavior follows years of Microsoft’s demanding Edge prompts that appear if you dare to download Chrome or change your default browser.
Hopefully, Microsoft won’t start injecting a poll at shutdown demanding to know why I’m turning my PC off for the day.
If you want to avoid this latest OneDrive nonsense, then feel free to open Task Manager, search for Microsoft OneDrive, and end that task the old-school way.
The original article contains 306 words, the summary contains 163 words. Saved 47%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!
You can... at least for now. I don't have it installed on any of my Windows PC's.
I wouldn't put it past them to make it non-uninstallable at some point, like is currently the case with some built in apps like the "Game Bar," an application I totally need to be built into my work PC that doesn't have a dedicated graphics card or any games installed on it.
You can even just sign out and remove it from the startup list.
But people are still going to find ways to fuck around in the registry or use some random Powershell script and then blame Microsoft for “ruining their computer with OneDrive”.
Ironically, these same people often end up paying to get their own files back.
My onedrive password expired on my work (and only windows) machine 2 years ago. I have never updated it, and that seems like a really good decision in retrospect.
Just lie. Give them junk data and make their analytics worse for annoying you. I have never been bothered by the "explain yourself" dropdowns because I just select a random option and move on.
I feel good when i realize windows' market share has been declining slowly over the last decade. They had it coming, half baked trash product, i can't believe people pay for it. Ms should pay people using it, as beta testers.
Also Microsoft 365 subscriptions. A huge proportion of Windows licenses have always been from enterprise - they've never especially cared about the consumer
We're discussing yet another anti-consumer dark-pattern implemented in Windows. These changes aren't going to stop. The so-called enshitification will continue.
What do you expect people to do? Not talk about the viable alternatives? Just say "that sucks but I really think we should stick to Windows, guys. Deep down, Microsoft has our backs 🪟🥰"?
It's almost as if we're on Technology, a place to discuss technology. Such as OSes.
I find it funny that you're on Lemmy - presumably because you found Reddit to be hostile to their users - and yet you're getting annoyed about people complaining about a platform being hostile to their users. Ironic, no?
I know it's repetitive, but (some) people still don't seem to hear it. Everyone complains about windows doing a million annoying things, but so few actually consider an alternative. Some people need to be reminded that they don't need to wait for Microsoft to fix their problems. Admittedly, I doubt very many of those are in this community, or on this platform though.
People here have a big hate boner for Microsoft. I'm with you, this is such a non issue that doesn't affect anyone, people just like to scream at things I guess. I await an explanation on how selecting a drop down absolutely destroyed productivity or usability.