What's Your Favorite, Not at All Epic, Star Trek Quote
There are inspiring, epic quotes in Star Trek. Words that stir the soul, shining a light on paths to a brighter now and a better future. But, what about those bits of dialog that don't have a stirring message, that you enjoy just because you enjoy them?
One of my favorites, from DSC season 3, Episode 1:
"I don't know. But it was temperature-sensitive and really valuable, so it's probably ice cream."
Burnham is captured and being questioned at the Merchantile. After being spritzed with a dose of space truth serum, Burnham's captors question her about stolen cargo. When asked by her captors what the cargo is, a very drugged up Burnham says the above with serious sincerity. I love the entirety of Burnham's chattering and behavior while she is under the influence of the space truth serum. That particular line always makes me smile, though.
Do you have a favored, not particularly inspiring, you just like it, Star Trek quote?
But that was just Q's ad hominem response to an even better exchange:
Q: What must I do to convince you people (that he is mortal and without powers)
Worf: die.
Sorry I know you said "not epic" but most things Worf says are epic.
I am Worf, son of Mogh, House of Martok, son of Sergei, House of Rozhenko, Bane to the Duras Family, slayer of Gowron. I have made some chamomile tea. Do you take sugar?
Yes! I think taken on its own, it comes across as a not-epic quote. But, as the finish to a tremendous demonstration by two amazingly talented actors, it's so emotionally hard-hitting.
:) thats funny when you know that worf killed the clone before him and that Vorta can remember that because of genetic memory something XD
There are a couple Discovery quotes from Georgiou that I like ("The goop in this bowl is vile!"/"Orange? Really? Ugh.") but there's one that really kills it. Stamets and Culber are having some issues. Culber is wearing a black suit for some reason, and looking beyond dashing, while in Stamets lab. Georgiou is doing her thing to try and make the two realize they're being stupid but of course she does it in the least tactful way possible. Culber and Tilly's reaction, however, makes the entire thing utter gold for me.
Philippa Georgiou:[Talking to Stamets and referring to the Paul Stamets from her universe] You are savvier than he was.
Dr. Hugh Culber: Um, you-you do know that he's gay, right?
Philippa Georgiou: Don't be so binary. In my universe, he was pansexual, and we had DEFCON-level fun together. And you too, Papi.
Dr. Hugh Culber: Did you just call me "Papi"?
Paul Stamets: Uh, well, in my universe, and pretty much any universe I can possibly imagine, I'm gay. And so is he.
Philippa Georgiou: Of course you are. I'm glad we all see what's right in front of us. And now, if you'll excuse me, I need to talk to Captain Pike about setting a course for Essof Four.
Sylvia Tilly:[in a hushed voice] What just happened?
I love this scene! I think they all nailed it. Wilson Cruz' delivery, posture, head tilt, everything for, "Did you just call me 'Papi?' " is wonderful. I'm loving the Georgiou quotes, too.
Exactly! Anything with Georgiou is fantastic. Michelle Yeoh is truly wonderful and I'll take anything that we can get with her. Stamets reaction to the entire experience is pretty great too. Georgiou flirting with him and you can see something blue screen inside as he tries to figure out what the hell is going on. Been there.
Less epic but certainly one of my favourites: a few minutes after Captain Sulu says "Fly her apart, then!", Bones saying "I'd give real money if he'd shut up." as Chang recites miscellaneous Shakespeare quotes.
I got to use "There be whales here!" in the context of being on a whale watching tour, and only getting to see one as we were heading back, having given up seeing any.
Unfortunately not, there's only room in my brain for one Star Trek quote, and it's epic-as-fuck (so epic I used it in a track and it's one of my most popular in that tiny little sub-of-a-sub-genre). The conversation between Q and Riker:
Q: Yes, the human compulsion. It is a power which will grow stronger century after century, aeon after aeon.
RIKER: Aeons. Have you any idea how far we'll advance?
Q: Perhaps in a future that you cannot yet conceive, even beyond us
I love how this mocks his display of anger and also the fact that he has little ships to begin with. There’s Picard being all ragey and dramatic and in 5 words she turns him into a little boy.
"I am the Borg"
I know people hate the Borg queen for ruining them but she is my favourite character and I think the writers were jsut shit at portraying her properly as the collectives consciousness in a single avatar.
I don't hate the Borg Queen. I think she's an awesome antagonist. All hail the (Borg) Queen Alice Krige. Mad respect for Susanna Thompson's portrayal. Loved Annie Wersching's Borg Queen, too. Jane Edwina Seymour's Borg Queen creeped me out, which was the goal, so kudos to her.