I really felt cheated that no one was insulted, no rants were frothed, no theories conspiracied in this nfo. All we got was relevant information and kindness.
it's typically just a kind of pixel art with monospaced fonts¹. any characters you see that's not typically shown on your keyboard (e.g a filled square) can be found in a character selection program in your OS.
anything else related to texts, templating and line breaks you can probably find a program somewhere on places like crates.io or gitlab or write something of your own without much trouble.
¹ a monospaced font is a font where every letter and character has the same spacing from each other, and are the easiest to do ascii art. (ascii is just one character table, but you can also gather unicode chars all you want)
I pirated a cracked version of Adobe Acrobat Pro recently. First thing I had to crack in years. It had a sketchy crack installer , with music and everything. Like it was back in the 90s. Of course it worked perfectly lol.
The review embargo was lifted with the start of the early access, meaning that all the regular review channels that received review copies have already posted their content.
Bethesda the publisher does things differently than Bethesda the developer.
As a dev, they know their modding communities keep their games alive long, long past their expiration dates and will fuck with them as little as they possibly can - this takes them from games to household names to legends that everyone knows.
As a publisher pushing products that aren't intended to be modded, they drink the koolaid.
I would think that it's cheap availability on GamePass and likelihood of frequent updates would make for a muted response to this one.
Plus I don't think it was protected to start with for modding purposes. People will be flying around in Thomas the Tank Engine by the end of next week.
For these reasons, I'd rather buy Bethesda games. As a company, they aren't assholes. I'd hate for them to get bought out by ea or something like all the rest.
My only beef with them is their complete disregard for QA but, in the end, they're right.
We'll do it for them.
Well, and watering down the social commentary in their Fallouts to an absurd degree.
Can't wait for Fallout 5 to say "AKSHUALLY, it was all China's fault and capitalism is based and Vault Tec was justified. Join the Brotherhood or die, trash."
Triangle For Enthusiastic Yes
Square For Nod Silently
I found an optimized ini file on nexusmods that has the game running real well and still looking pretty good.
Good lord though yeah the performance is awful.
Exactly; this just needed an emulator like goldberg
Bethesda games usually don't go for heavy DRM stuff (beyond the basic steam DRM), because it impairs modding (especially injection / nonofficial modding, stuff like SKSE for skyrim)
There is no "play 5 days early". The game launched on 1st of September. But those who can't afford to shell out 100 Euros have to wait 5 more days. Microsoft did the same bullshit with Forza. I didn't like it back then, I won't like it now.
Why would you want to play a Bethesda game 5 days early? The best time is several months after release, when the community has had time to fix the bugs.
The extra cost "early access" stuff just encourages piracy. I'm paying for gamepass, so I'm already paying for access in four days. I'm still tempted to pirate it. It's probably going to be a better product than dealing with Xbox crap on PC, but I could also play now.
It runs like absolute crap. I have a 2070 with i9-12900k and 64gb ram and get 30fps on the LOWEST settings. That's it.
I run Elden Ring at 120fps and just got done with Armored Core that ran at 144fps rock solid medium settings all the way through without a single blip.
Like have you seen hw prices lately? The prices of these class of card simply crashed through the ground. 1070 are very cheap, the rx470-480 is barely sellable trash. A lot of time had passed since the 10series...
If you've got windows 10 try updating to 22h2 (no, really; a consequence of Bethesda being acquired by Microsoft, I suspect), and update your GPU drivers.
That got it running on my 980ti, so it should also work with the 1070.
Yeah, I think it's probably having to do with how Wine/Lutris emulates the Windows version, that makes it think it's an older version. I'll try on a real Windows partition...
No overlays running, still crashes. I'm seeing quite a few people reporting this online, both with AMD and Nvidia, and of course Intel cards don't work at all on this game.
Bethesda Game Studios games don't have DRM like Denuvo. BGS and Bethesda Softworks are two different entities. ID, MachineGames and other Zenimax studios tend to have DRM, not BGS.
On the other hand, didn't Denuvo come out after Fallout 4 launched? So what would they even protect, 76?
Haha I was thinking along similar lines, my R5 1600 is either going to take to it with it's usual shrug while it rolls up it's sleeves or just explode, it still punches way above it's weight so hopefully it won't explode but she's getting a bit long in the tooth.
The most positive I've heard is that it is a by the numbers Bethesda rpg game. It doesn't try to be anything more. If you liked fallout 4 and skyrim odds are you'll like this.
Totally agree on the paycheck. However we need to stop acting like piracy is bad only. Buy the things you really enjoy and support the creator(s).
Back in the days a friend suggested i buy Skyrim and i was like: "Uuh not sure if i want to spend that kind of money on a 2yo game". But since he was quite a fan, i pirated it. Soon after I bought the LE version and today it is still my most played game.
NGL: i also pirated many things of which i never bought the original version. But because of the bay i also bought some things i most likely wouldn't have without.
I was vaguely interested in Dark Souls for years, but every time I tried, I bounced right off it. I went through a cycle where every year or two, I would pirate one of the souls games, try it out, give up on it after an hour or so, and do it all over again the next time I was sufficiently compelled to give the series another shot. This happened until several years ago when I tried Dark Souls II, and for some reason it finally clicked. I played my pirated copy of Dark Souls II for about 10 hours, before a random crash corrupted my save file.
After that happened, I immediately bought the game on Steam and proceeded to play it for the next month and a half, until I eventually beat it. I've since purchased every souls game plus Elden Ring on Steam, and recently imported a copy of Bloodborne GOTY edition after spending $700 on an exploitable PS5, just so I could play it at 60FPS. None of these legitimate purchases would have ever happened if I hadn't been able to repeatedly pirate Dark Souls for about five years.
I don't think piracy is bad lol i do think mega corporate publishers have bad practices for sure. Like cool, the one i worked for is publicly traded. Awesome. Every action is greed motivated. I hate that.
Every time i loose hope in games i just play undertale and ignore the world. >.>
I've thought about this. I think that happened was because of timelines, they released a super early build, fuckin producers.
It's not the worst thing for an early access game to be cracked, honestly. If the game is has more eyes, that's great. I am curious about what is out now however.
I am also curious about if the cracked version can be updated with content once the game goes live. Like i have no idea when that is or if it has already happened.
It's super easy. I just added it as a non steam game in my library and it worked. It also works on Lutris using a default wine context. I've been playing it and I'm on EndeavourOS (Arch)
I don't know why you'd want to rent the game if you've already got the cracked copy, but I would be surprised if the save files were any different between the two platforms.
Because it's a supported copy that I know is getting the latest patches and I'm already paying for it...? Also, as long as I can transfer save files, I could use them down the line on a sale copy on Steam for Steam Deck or whatever else.