Daily Discussion Thread: Fri 01 Sep 2023
Daily Discussion Thread: Fri 01 Sep 2023
Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.
Daily Discussion Thread: Fri 01 Sep 2023
Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.
Because I'm a VIP at the casino I'm staying in, they gave me a VIP line pass which I hadn't used yet. I just came downstairs to get some breakfast and there was a line of around 8 or so people waiting to be seated. Then next to them was the empty VIP line.
You've never seen so much a smug swagger as me waltzing past the peasants and being seated immediately. They even called out that they have a VIP over their little radios.
I've made it, ma. This is the good life I said I'd find when I took off with nothing but my bindle on my shoulder and a dream in my heart all those years ago.
Just asked my manager for a raise for the first time ever. They'll get back to me soon 🍿
Who dares, wins.🙌
Holy crap just got a call from the company I've applied for a job at and have made it to first round interview. Got picked out 81 applicants as one of 10 for phone interviews, Somehow made it through the psychometric testing now just gotta make it through the first round interview. Hello imposter syndrome my old friend i wish i didn't have to talk to you again.
Fuck yeah! That sounds awesome!
Taking all guesses as to why the cat is judging me this morning.
"There's not enough heat for the two of us. Get any closer you'll lose an eye".
General tortitude I think.
This is the most correct answer. She has certainly gotten cranky with age.
I’ve created a monster… after so long on tuna cat food Melbcat got bored but once the lamb came out she was obsessed. Kept asking for more food, to the point of having a little tantrum and leading me back to the kitchen. Twice. It’s like she’s got hollow legs.
I should have been strict and said that’s enough though. I want her to maintain chonk but she may have a tummy ache already from so much rich meat and will definitely be a bit constipated or sick tomorrow.
It’s the first of the month so I’ll be worming her too.
Omg this imagery is so cute, tanty throwing and trying to get you to go back to the kitchen. Oh, Melbcat 😍
She jumps up on her hind legs to bang on open doors. It’s very funny. Normally she’s not the type to fuss for meals but she’ll do it if I’m too long in the shower or she’s agitated about something.
While we're brain dumping I just want to say: I got another snarky email from the boss this evening; it was a legitimate comment, but said in quite a condescending way that really is just laughable coming from a manager, not to mention incredibly hypocritical given how poorly they've handled things for months now.
And readers... Despite the exact text being exactly one of the worse things my brain has flagellated itself with for years, i.e. a nightmare come true, I actually, finally, DIDN'T spiral, or feel the need to distract myself.
I just rolled my eyes and pretty calmly kept on with what I was doing without missing a beat. And then I found a good break and am having dinner. And I still don't feel a burgeoning anxiety - I feel calm, and confident, and safe, and relieved that most of this will be over soon. Because I am no longer trapped. ⛓ ⛏
Unrelated: Sox's blood test results came back. Frustratingly, her results were borderline, but also highly suggestive of an ovarian remnant (>2x the usual level). It makes sense that it was borderline by the time she came back from the vet she was pretty much back to normal so it would've been at the end of the cycle. However, the options are extremely expensive... Surgery is like 2.5-3k 😿 and her owner is gonna struggle a lot to get that kind of money given how much he's already spent on her. Right now her cycles are very inconsistent, so maybe he might just have to put up with her being an absolute pain for 2-3 weeks every year. And save up a contingency fund in case the cycles do become more regular.
Anyway, I just want to say FUCK YEAH I GUESSED RIGHT.
Thank you to the wonderful people here who gave me words of advice yesterday. I read it all and it made me feel warm and fuzzy inside :)
Shitty busy week coming to an end. I swear if some fuckwit at works irks me today there will be consequences and repercussions.
Non-violent ones of course, but the thoughts of violence will be strong.
Hide their lunch in the freezer.
I have seen some explosions in offices over people's food getting fucked with.
Working from home, so might have to delay that, should it be required.
Good idea though.
It's all "Fun and games!" until someone ends up with laxatives in their water bottle.
But you said non-violent. Does it count if the only crime is to the toilet bowl?
A violent reaction, to a non-violent action does not equal violence in my book.
Turbolax it is!!!!
Today hasn't been the greatest of days. Found out that I might be doing my job search wrong, and the feeling of having done literally everything else wrong too is pervasive. Back to square one.
Been distracting myself with pictures of animals being cute in the meantime.
There is something to be appreciated about noodly dogs.
4 different browser sessions, two seperate devices, five mobile apps. Ready to spot this "forever loading" bug that happens on Fridays.
Break a leg!
Just not this leg.
Aww so adorable! I love how they lay all curled up but with their leg shrimping out!
Can the DT recommend a club to go to this weekend? Thinking of having a big night.
The invocation!! Haha
What sort of music do you like?
Don't go to retro.
My contribution.
Might have to wait a bit, as we're currently around the 100 mark. And it's not just Fridays - it's just that Fridays we call get seriously chatty. You would think we would have a life but apparently not.
Wait til the beers start flowing
Writing petulant replies to ridiculous emails will never not amuse me.
As per my previous email
I just completed the first survey of the A2 milk study I am on. Lots of exciting questions about my digestive system, including one rating my last bowel movement. With pictures for reference. The things we do for free milk 🤣
You took pics of the ones you've snapped off? 😳
Something about that term just really turns my stomach. That's not a complaint, by the way, it's a glorious term.
No. Definitely no. The pictures were all on their side to explain the rating, fortunately.
"mm yes, my last bowel movement was remarkably smooth and consistent, surprisingly low in fat and indistinguishable from my regular"
Low fat, no fat, full cream, high calcium, high protein... soy, light, skim, omega 3 (breathe), high calcium with vitamin D and folate or extra dollop?
"It slid out without much grunt"
My pathology lecturer recommended, once a month going in a ziploc to review your digestive system. It puts the ew in review.
Happy Spring everyone. 🌱
I have duly taken my antihistamine pill.
Super keen to hear Chaka Khan and Chic in concert. But I don't want to pay. Anyone else keen to sit on a blanket outside the fence and just listen? We could also dance. We've all seen bands and light shows and those people are old. They'll be amazing and it's the jazz fest so I'm hoping it's disco with jazz flair. Cos seriously chic although paying a shit ton of my bills over the years are done to death. Chaka Khan on the other hand could sing the fucking phone book and I'd be balling my eyes out at AB.
My apologies for ranting a lot this week. I have had serious doses of both misogyny and misgendering from people who really should be better recently and this place is my journal and vent. Still, I understand we don't come here just to complain. I don't want to offend men or sound like a basher, all the guys here are great. So again, I'm sorry if my misandry has made anyone feel isolated or frustrated. Its unfair to paint every man with the same brush and the last thing I should be doing here is creating any kind of tension or division. Because misandry is as bad as misogyny and we all should be looking at ways to reduce both. nuff said I think.
I just passed six months on hrt and did myself up really nice to go to dinner with a new friend last night. She couldn't make it and I waited 45 minutes for her, drove for an hour between home and fitzroy and back and of course spent two hours prettying myself up for the affair. I still felt absolutely amazing anyway and she really needed to spend time securing a safe place to live. Gender euphoria is reported less than than all the bad stuff and bad press about having a gender incongruence, but it's a completely beautiful natural high which can last moments or hours. Last night I didn't want to go to bed as it was one of the times it kept giving. My physique is changing more rapidly now and it's pretty fucking fun and so rewarding. thx for reading. Yesterday and today are real milestones in my journey.
super big hugs :)
Thanks mate. Appreciate. I'm resilient and I'll state my boundaries and tell the people concerned to be better. :) I'll try to be nice about it too.
Hadn’t heard the term gender euphoria before, love it. Feeling good for you!
It happens to many of us from a very young age and it's mostly where psychologists focus their diagnoses of gender incongruence nowadays. Less about what makes you feel like shit about your body and what make you feels amazing about expressing your mental gender. We don't "identify" as another gender, our brains are physically another gender. Hrt allows our brains to function correctly. At least this is according to the current science. It's science so new things are discovered but the research into transgender people's brains has been stifled by church groups and bigots. I've been like this all my life and have euphoria with realising what it meant in my earliest memories.
Hurgh. I rang the council to sort things out with the bin and it seems while juggling everything I’ve looked at the wrong day. That’s embarrassing as I had even gone so far to check the calendar before putting it out.
That’s good though, that’s sorted and I won’t be waiting long.
Edit: On the bright side Melbcat doesn’t seem sick this morning. She ordered more lamb.
Started a new exercise program this morning, a bikini abs one. While I have no desire to wear a bikini (I'm too lazy for the required landscaping) I am interested in toning a bit around that area. I've made visible gains since I started this whole exercise thing.. my daughter told me this morning that my improvements looked "epic!" I feel so proud about that!
Hot !🔥
I’ve been trying to think of something witty to say for my contribution, but I can’t. In lieu, here’s a pic of the cockatoo that mugged my OH when we were in Hall’s Gap a while back. I’d love to post a pic of the actual mugging, but I’m not allowed. It climbed up his arm and nicked some of the sandwich he was eating, as he was eating it.
you should've staged the mugging by giving him your sandwich too
What's Hall's Gap like? Worth a visit?
It’s beautiful and I definitely recommend a visit, but probably best to go outside school holiday times if you want to avoid the crowds. I had one of the best pizzas I’ve ever eaten there, too
It was clearly your fault for not paying the cockie sarnie tax.
It's now finally Friday. So close to wrapping everything up... Anxiety popping its head through but I KNOW I will smash through what's required. It's all going to be alright.
Unrelated, but I tried making this unusual potat recipe tonight and I highly recommend it - extremely easy, simple, cheap and quick (you can let the potatoes boil/steam while you prep other things). I definitely recommend pan frying the smashed potat though. And add a bit of smoked paprika 👌maybe a small touch of dark soy sauce. @Bottom_racer for your next late night potat snak.
ooh, I have some smoked paprika. I'll get some little taters for it. 🤗
ooh that looks good.
Can confirm they taste great the next day too. Definitely would use baby taters rather than the alternative of large slices of big potate, the texture is great.
Cheese or chicken Twisties? For Me chicken
Cheese. I'm sus on the green chip/savoury snack thing. Why does green mean chicken? What have they done?
chicken eat worms that eat green plants
Chicken twisties, but cheesy popcorn. Bite me.
No. I'm scared you might bite back. Help
That sounds cheeky
Ew. Cheese for sure. They used to have these ultra spicy ones which were the bomb though
yeah nah too many explosions at the supermarket. Had to discontinue it.
The zig zags? The were the best.
Tough call but I think cheese.
Both, but cheese 90% of the time and chicken 10%.
We shitposting for 300? I can do that.
One single lonely grass sproot has emerged so far, it’s not even properly in the dirt and gets less light but it’s having a go.
I’m collecting a lot of tutorials and references but am reluctant to do the work… I struggle to do crap things for practice and am kind of leaning on crutches… I need to learn the basics of figure drawing etc so it’s not an ordeal every time. But I just don’t
What 300?
About a third of 900
The Man's new shirt
Dang it all, in the hustle of getting kids ready for school I forgot to put my lunch in my bag. Thank goodness I've got an emergency stash of mandarins and Corn Thins at work. Crisis averted!
Ok Lemmings, I have tried:
No matter what I do, I can't reproduce this elusive bug.
Goddamnit, it always stops happening when someone's watching, doesn't it?!
Stage fright.
Just like my car when I take it to the mechanic
Nothing for it. We'll just have to throw ourselves over the nearest cliff. To our doom.
It’s a feature
it's not happening today
Let's see if we can make it happen
I couldn't get it to happen last Friday, either. But I wasn't trying nearly as hard as I did today.
Maybe it will happen at 400?
I've ran out of things to say. I'm a shy creature.
Tried all 7 of the iOS Lemmy apps that I have on my phone and they were all ok.
Can you at least see the comments of threads collapsing?
Don't worry, once you stop looking it will come back again, just be patient
Someone needs to mention a controversial subject and Wallah. Stacks on.
What bug is this?
In the politest way, the list is sexy… 😁
Happy Spring everyone! Also, as the moon is waning, this weekend is a VERY good time to do anything in the garden that involves diminishing or weakening things - like pest control, pruning and mowing. Not so good for planting seeds. You'll need to wait for the new moon for that - 15/9 onwards.
In Perth, we had a glorious 29° day yesterday to see off winter, but somehow today is foggy with showers later. Doesn't feel like spring.
Hey thanks, I’m clueless with organics. Does moon phase have substantial effects?
I have found it so, and at least one professional strawberry grower (local) of my acquaintance swears by it. Others find the whole concept a bit woo woo, but you do you I guess. I like the idea of having a two week (approx) time frame to get necessary jobs done for the right kind for the moon phase. It helps me avoid pruning madly in all directions right over the top of newly planted seeds, and allows mulch to mellow before planting too. This avoids mulch burn.
What about repotting?
Best done on a waxing not waning moon as growth and increase is desired. Good time to do pest control though.
The best part of a drunken night out
Have you heard about Gravy? She got paid in stock.
Oh good. Now we’re coughing shit up. Fantastic. This day week gets better and better!
Funny (well, annoying, but anyway) how these things always seem to happen in clusters, huh? You'll get through to the other side, though. Won't seem like it right now but time's funny (and annoying) like that.
Oh 100% gotta have some dark to appreciate the light I guess. But I’d appreciate the light a lot more if we weren’t so crook.
Cheers everybody 🍻. I've had a really shit day. Entertain me please.
Since Nath's here let's bring out Mr 300+ spinny thing. They don't even have to be good comments (leave that up to me) just really long rallies. We've got this Melby.
What is Whitney Houston’s favourite type of coordination?
What's the name of a Spaniard who's lost his car?
I will only attend really long rallies if they are seated with free food and drinks, shelter, and no lines at the toilets.
Second this.
I've been reminded again about the poems of Odgen Nash today. Here's a couple: The Skink. Let us do justice to the skink Who isn't what so many think. On consultation with a wizard I find the skink a kind of lizard. The Canary. The song of canaries Never varies, And when they're moulting They're pretty revolting.
Love that.
5 pm the pizza shop opens - I can hear a marinara calling my name.
Oh you lucky duck! Wish my local pizza shops were decent! Mine's either the scantily topped overpriced "gourmet" type or the soggy glugfest of excessive oil :(
They do a cherry bliss one with 3 different kinds of cherry toms on it - pity it's vegan as I reckon anchovies would be a considerable improvement.
TIL Thomas Edison tried to build a spirit phone to talk to ghosts
He succeeded, but the government buried it. The ghosts know too much
Bit of a shame really. I bet his spirits were dampened.
Arthur Conan Doyle author of Sherlock Holmes books was also a doctor and a spiritualist. The original triple threat if you will.
To summarize:
With the sound of mewwwwzziiiikkk
With sardines they have sung for a meowsand years
The hills fill my fart with the sound of mewwwwzzziiikkk
My fart wants to sing every songggg it reeeeks
My fart wants to beat like the splash of a turd.
That flies from the cake to the bees
My fart wants to sing like a crime
That cries at a church on a priest
To laugh like a crook who let’s rip
And shart over thrones on its wings
To sing through the fright.
Like a shark who is lurking two days
I go to the pills when my fart is lonely
I know I will tear where I torn before
My fart will be caressed to the sound of mewwwwzzziiikkk
And I’ll shitttttt oneeeeeee smoreeeeeeeeeee
My partner's ex-coworkers have invited us out to the pub tonight. It'll be good to see them, and I do want to ask if one of them would be interested if I ran a D&D one-shot, as he was part of our old group.
But, I guess this means I have to shower and look presentable. Lame.
I am so tired
I 🤢
I haz migraine
With the sound of mewwwwzziiiikkk
With sardines they have sung for a meowsand years
Oh no. Are they hungry?
Takes a glance at comment count
I have chicken marinating in super hot stuff but should it go on
My nipples
Given that they are made of potato, that would be an attractive option.
A pizza
A wrap
Sooo uhhh… we have apparently recreated the necessary conditions to induce the alleged anomaly that occurs on a Friday night with results recorded as negative and inconclusive.
Thus, with the the scientific methodology exhausted for today ,may I suggest a more esoteric method ?
Ghost phone… we need to use the ghost phone.
I tried conjuring with anger and name calling.
I peaked too early in our quest to 300. Who's still with me? 🍻🥂
I'm here to midnight
Fuck you spin master 300+ you've let us down. 🖕
You had one job dickhead. Well done.
Pizza has been obtained. Am about to get pissed as a newt. Why a newt? What is so pissed about a helpless, innocent amphibian? Would welcome some collective wisdom from the Hivemind.
Because in Admiral Nelson's time apparently the new ensigns were called "newts," and being young it didn't take them much to get riotously pissed.
This explains much. Thank you!
Oops. I’m having some trouble driving my phone this eve.
Going to learn to knit so I can make all the knitwear I love so much in my period shows. I can already loom knit (well circular loom knit), so how hard can actual knitting be.
I find crocheting easier because if you drop a stitch it's easier to pick up. They both have their place though.
My mother is an avid crocheter and spent many an afternoon/evening attempting to teach me and I could never get the hang of it.
Am enjoying pizza. There's something special about those cute little octopusses (octopi?) - the way their little legs curl up is just too, too ...... Kinda chewy though.
Love em. Did you get anchovies?
It's not a pizza without them imo.
300 comments. Allegedly.
That pre lunch moment when everyone in the office has the same take away joint website open, trying to decide what they wanna have :D
Say I was to make some QR code stickers that lead to a link that is not under my admin, would there be a way to track how many times it's accessed through the QR code?
Do you have a web server you do control?
I would achieve this by pointing the QR to one of my own web servers, with the link being a redirect to the customer site. You get a log of the number of people who accessed the QR code, customer gets their impressions, and the user has minimal impact.
You could even do it more than once and track stats on individual campaigns - charting their success.
Hmm.. No I don't. But I'll look into it I guess. Thanks
Most short URL generators can track "click" counts. Shorter URLs make for smaller QR codes as well.
If anyone wants a green bin full of compacted grass and oxalis that I've just pulled it is all yours.
I don't like this weeding biz one bit.
I wonder what they do with oxalis in green bins. Has to be a very hot compost to kill that shit.
I think the green bins for the stuff you pull probably just dies.. you're not hitting the bulbs.
The landscape 'designer my arse' who did a bit of this place introduced so much of the shit from some shitty landfill/wherever it's crazy.
Here's my poor neglected pre season chilli patch:
Scooping all of that out tm (burying that shit no green bin) and starting fresh.
Pollinators do love it though so it's a bit conflicting.
Fat cat is making very angry biscuits next to me. She's super tired and super upset at the world.
I don't fit in. I am nothing.
Any mathematician would tell you that you are essential. Even if nothing. Without zero, mathematics would not exist.
Yo mamma so fat, when she sits around the house she sits around the house.
According to physics, the universe is composed of mostly empty space — nothing. You certainly fit in.
No, spudly one, you are a unique and special potat.
Liar liar pants on fire
That's my purse! You don't know me!
You are all so beautiful, you shine like stars in the night.
I'm blinded by your beauty, your brilliance is bright.
My little handroll with the hawt chicken dins collapsed (ish) :( I will do better next time.
Should've stuck with the bun.
I'm excited for the Grand Final, only because of the day off. I don't care about footy (I mean I have a team I barrick for but that's it).
I'm so glad the long no-public holiday period is coming to a close. And to think we used to have to do this until November (and even then only for those within the city... unless they changed Cup Day to be state wide?)
I think cup day only affects us city-slickers. But yeah the June - September no public holiday drought was doing my head in.