BromSwolligans Only an aspiring Trekkie over here. Can you explain this line? I don't follow.
73 1 Replyzarp86 Uhura’s response, “sorry, neither,” is to the other meanings of those words. She is saying that she is neither fair—“pale-skinned”—nor a maiden—a “virgin.”
172 0 Replynocturne213
I always took it as she needed neither protection nor was she a fair maiden.
64 1 Reply
Ensign_Seitler “Fair” in the context of this phrase is meant to convey “beautiful” but literally meant “light or pale skinned.”
“Maiden” is meant to convey “young woman,” but literally meant “virgin” (as in “maiden voyage”).
102 0 ReplyGenderNeutralBro literally meant “virgin” (as in “maiden voyage”)
I can't believe I never made this connection before.
51 0 Reply
Stamets OP Well you've gotten your answer but I do gotta say I love this place. Within 5 minutes you had 3 answers.
Trekkies love showing off our knowledge of various things. Soon you will be one of us buddy <3
43 1 ReplyJo Miran
Shit, I even learned something about Shakespeare's Romero and Juliet I didn't learn in school.
13 0 Reply
Julian Fair can mean pale-skinned and maiden can mean virgin.
14 0 Reply
Dagwood222 There was a short lived cartoon series between the last episode of TOS and the Motion Picture.
In one episode all the males are hypnotised by an alien creature, and the women have to save them.
The line was 'This is Lieutenant Uhura, I am in command of the Enterprise.'
The ad lib that was cut was ' last.'
33 0 ReplykamenLady I didn't know that line was cut. It would have been so appropriate!
She was already suspicious from the very beginning. When Scotty got weird and started singing... the super creepy expression he had on his face. Jfc
She handled it perfectly
5 0 ReplyUlyssesT [he/him] Ominous Uhura face "Soon."
3 0 Reply
meyotch Oh my . . .
32 0 Replyvictron The Naked Time, I just watched this episode yesterday. (New fan here, watching for the first time). SPOCK WAS AWESOME.
31 0 ReplyStamets OP Such an absolute classic!
Welcome to the team buddy 🖖
19 0 Reply
Zron Why would this need to be snuck passed the censors?
It’s funny, but it’s a fairly benign line.
22 0 ReplyStamets OP Benign today, sure. 56 years ago? Not that benign.
40 1 ReplyZron Marilyn Monroe disagrees
3 18 Reply
It seems odd to me too. Even if it was 60 years ago. "Fair", she's dark skinned, so not "fair" in that sense. And he's using "maiden" in the sense of "a girl or young woman", which she also isn't. Yes, you could also see a secondary meaning of "maiden" as in "virgin", but would the censors really block something that was only mildly sexual and only when taken out of context? Was "maiden" in the 60s seen as a much more sexual term or something?
9 2 Replycriitz Yes
2 0 Reply
SkybreakerEngineer Someone is almost as horny for Uhura as Mariner
17 0 Replysamus12345
Well, it's certainly not Sulu. Oh my!
8 0 Reply
CraigeryTheKid Why would it have been censored?
12 0 ReplyStormyfemme “Maiden” used to imply virginity and “fair” implies light, usually white, skin. Doesn’t take a leap to figure out why censors in the 60s would have found it objectionable to call attention to that.
40 0 ReplyCraigeryTheKid I wasn't even thinking about words like maiden having "deeper" meaning back then ... Thanks!
19 0 ReplyMelllvar
Oooh! Now I get it!
7 0 Reply
Stamets OP The 60s were a very different time. Her talking about her virginity in any way would have been taboo to all hell.
17 0 Reply
zkfcfbzr I was hoping someone in the comments would have linked to the scene but I will instead:
9 0 Replyfeedum_sneedson Looking pretty fucking ripped.
1 0 Reply
TankieTanuki [he/him]
Shirtless Sulu can't harm you; he isn't real---
3 0 Replykaitco Oh my God!! I never caught that! 🤣
1 0 ReplyUlyssesT [he/him] She was a gigastacy.
1 0 Reply