Uhura’s response, “sorry, neither,” is to the other meanings of those words. She is saying that she is neither fair—“pale-skinned”—nor a maiden—a “virgin.”
It's hilarious how Shakespeare's are seen in modern times considering what they were originally. They're full of dirty jokes and the accent they were originally performed in sounded nothing like the "modern" Received Pronunciation used today.
Do you happen to know where to find whole plays done in the original pronunciation? I'm not exactly bad at finding things on the internet, but I can't find any of Shakespeare's plays in their original pronunciation, or more than a tiny bit of Chaucer's Canterbury tales in spoken middle English.
Even titles of plays. Nothing was slang for vagina, so Much Ado About Nothing was an off color joke roughly translated today as "a ruckesss about pussy".
I'm sorry but I cannot stop cackling at the image of Picard, straight faced as fuck, saying everything you just did word for word. Or quoting Shakespeare and then saying "From one of my favorite lays, A Ruckess About Pussy".
i think the comedies exist primarily as a combined project to discover as many cheeky expressions for human genitalia and their actions as were possible to create with the language