Also! They literally let someone hand out 250 million dollars, openly, and our “courts” gave it the go-ahead - even if it goes against some of the longest standing legal precedent regarding buying votes (done with booze back in the day).
This election wasn’t a thumb on the scale, it was the oligarchs mushroom-stamping humanity.
Also, these oligarchs don't realize that they're going to be robbed just like the rest of us when the time comes. If they don't do exactly what trump and putin want, they'll either fall out of window or have to spend the rest of their lives hiding. These will be remembered as the good ol' days.
Maybe the democrats should stop running ruling class candidates while expecting the working class to "fall in line?"
How come you never blame the people doing the same thing but expecting different results? If history is anything to go by, choosing a female to run for president guarantees a trump victory.
It's a hard truth, but a truth nonetheless. Unfortunately you people have been conditioned to cover your ears to hard truths and just pretend reality is a different way.
There are reasons other than abstaining from voting that prevent people from doing so (being homeless, not having ID, etc.). However, fuck voting in a US election - democracy is an illusion.
You can't just blame a group of people for anything though, it's not like geographic boundaries determine morality.
Instead you gotta look at what happened this last election. Yeah there was inflation, and the polls point to that as a thing that swayed a lot of people. But the bigger factor was media capture by far-right oligarchs. The top cable news station, the top podcast, and the top social media network for news were all turned into maga propaganda this election. In that environment, the only question is why was it so close?
And unfortunately, until that changes the next elections are going to be the same. Trump's approval is down, but it's still higher than it was at this point his last term.
You can’t just blame a group of people for anything though, it’s not like geographic boundaries determine morality.
Culture, in large part, determines morality, and culture is heavily influenced by geopolitical boundaries.
As an American myself, I have no interest in #notallAmericans defenses. We made our fucking bed, we can lie in it.
Instead you gotta look at what happened this last election. Yeah there was inflation, and the polls point to that as a thing that swayed a lot of people. But the bigger factor was media capture by far-right oligarchs. The top cable news station, the top podcast, and the top social media network for news were all turned into maga propaganda this election. In that environment, the only question is why was it so close?
The same reason why it was close in 2020, and in 2016. The same reason why the Tea Party in 2010 took off, why Americans gave Bush Jr. a second term in '04, why the GOP in the 90s saw significant success in running towards fascism. The same reason why Reagan got two terms with overwhelming popularity, why Nixon was elected on a platform of disdain for minorities, why Goldwater was a hit in the GOP and took the South from the Dems in 1964 for the first time since the Civil War.
We are a broken nation which has never managed to fully reckon with the deeply rooted authoritarian character within our culture. Trump is just the first time when a major party has given full voice to that inner fascist cretin, and it found that the base liked nothing better.
No excuses, no crisis staring us in the face, no illusions of a Truly Democratic Leader waved about. A creature whose prior term displayed the full range of incompetence and malice towards everything from leftists to Christianity, and whose campaign rhetoric promised nothing more than to get worse in its conduct if elected again. Trump was the final presentation of the question, unambiguous, "Do you, Americans, want fascism?" A mirror looking us flat in the fucking face, and daring us to speak.
And our response was an overwhelming "Sure, why not."
I think 100%. Both these parties don't work for middle class. Exceptions are Bernie and AOC. Without a third party pressure, we cannot win this oligarch war.
"Ooh, he hasn't got a mandate." Yeah, know what he has got?
CONTROL OF THE GOVERNMENT. And no intention of ever giving it up.
(Yes, I know, don't abandon hope, organise, and all that. But crap like this just reads like "it'll obviously work out fine just wait it out" shit. Which famously Does Not Fucking Work)
Idk, I can respect where you're coming from, but this meme feels more to me like a counter to people who are saying "Trump won, this is what America voted for, if you fight against his agenda you're fighting against the will of the people" etc. type crap
Totally agreed that just hoping things will work out fine isn't any kind of plan, but a reminder that the average human being doesn't like what's happening right now can help people feel a little less crazy when they're staying informed about current events
But aren’t we though, in a way? A bunch of people looked at everything Trump and Project 2025 promised, and said, ‘meh, seems fine, I see no reason to vote against this.’ That means they either agreed with what those things were saying, or at least don’t mind them.
The only significantly statically impactful group of "non voters" is the population that was unable to or inconvenienced heavily by voting.
Meaning the major majority of voters that didn't vote were either unable to because of other obligations (work, childcare, etc) with a small subset of that being people that were no motivated enough to deal with the inconvenience of visiting a poll line (4hours in line) after a 10 hour shift.
These are the vast vast majority of people that did not show up. Beyond that an even smaller percentage was the "protest voters' that even if 100% of which went to Harris she still would have lost.
I guess I just want to say "in conclusion" that the vast majority of voters that didn't vote were giving you your Starbucks or your Taco Bell.
I think we should spend less time blaming voters and more time being critical of the politicians and party that gives zero reason for the working class to "risk" their shift for.
No one's gonna "risk a shift" for the policies and messaging that Harris communicated. You don't get people to "risk their shift" for voting for a lesser evil.
Sometimes i get the feeling that voting on a tuesday is working as expected: to keep working an poor people from voting...
Germany has voting per defintion only on sundays, and (at least where i live) the voting booths are everywhere. You can vote either per mail, or from 8:00 to 18:00 at a booth, and i never had to wait in a line to vote, and i'm in my 40s
I guess I just want to say "in conclusion" that the vast majority of voters that didn't vote were giving you your Starbucks or your Taco Bell.
This is a very clear and succinct description of something I've been struggling to articulate for years. Affluent liberals can tell their boss they're taking a long lunch to vote, and they don't understand why shift workers don't do the same.
I voted, and my vote definitely did not matter. Nor will it until we completely overhaul the election system, getting rid of the electoral college and first past the post. I don't think that's going to happen either until politicians acquire enough fear to offset their greed.
Or suppressed. I'll give some anecdotal examples. I have a friend that lives in a major metropolitan area with over 2.6 million people. When he applied to get a photo ID (he lost his previous one and needed a new one), the soonest appointment available for the entire metropolitan area was 3 months out. That's just for the appointment to apply for the ID, not actually receiving the ID. You are required to have a photo ID to vote. Then, voter registration in itself must also be completed at least a month before an election. Now, let's talk about the process of actually voting. I've personally stood in line for over 6 hours to vote. A lot of the people waiting in line had to leave to pick up their kids and other things. If you don't pick up your kids from school or daycare at very specific times, there are serious penalties. While I was waiting, there must have been at least 40 people in front of me that had to leave before voting. Many of them had waited in line for over 4 hours. For most people, waiting in line is the only way to vote. Only the elderly and disabled qualify to vote by mail. Make no mistake, voter suppression is very effective, and it is implemented specifically in areas that vote against what the ruling party wants. In Trump leaning areas, the lines were no longer than a two minute wait if they existed at all. Trump never would have won either election if it wasn't for voter suppression.
You lot never blame the dem leadership for making their biggest funder AIPAC/Israel, and allowing AIPAC funding to completely steer the party platform, the candidate choice, and the course of the race. Somehow Dem leaders are simply immune from blame in your eyes, even when AIPAC steers this outcome straight to a loss and Israelis said they never wanted the dems to win anyway.
The dems losing was much more desirable to AIPAC than a non genocide dem entering the race. The polls told dem leadership they were going to lose for the entire race and they decided to take the loss rather than give in to the no-to-genocide voters. AIPAC/Israel was more important to dem leadership than winning the race. Why do you still imagine that AIPAC supports dem voters or cares about America? You've learned nothing and you're on the way to lose some more. Did you hear Dem leaders talk about the needs of the voters very much? No. You didnt-- but you sure saw them get animated and passionate about supporting zionist war crimes.
For my vote, I wasnt going to lift a finger for any war criminal of any party, even if it meant this country burned itself to the ground. If the choice is murder lots of innocents or burn this place to the ground, I chose not to participate and let this place burn itself to the ground, and I'll do it again if needed-- so will lots of other people -- and theres nothing you can do about it. Dems cant win an election without them either.
So "blame" me on the internet all day, your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer. I hope every dem leader gets to experience unemployment, and if it leads to revolution or "regime change" as we like to casually say it when its other countries suffering, then so be it. Its past time for this farce to "fundamentally change".
~70% of the US adults either wanted trump or at least OK with him, and by extension are ok with the muskrat
Maybe it's time for the rest of the world to realize it's not "just trump" but the USA as a whole is very racist, stupid and backwards country.
Maybe the pushback against trump we see all around social media is just the small loud minority.
Maybe it's time to not consider Americans friends, and to stop supporting it as much as possible. I've started cutting off the american-made stuff I buy.
Yeah, it's pretty dumb. The popular vote is what should matter. That's the only way each vote counts as much as any other vote, which is like a basic principle of democracy.
Internalizing the "your vote only matters in purple states" will turn it into a self fulfilling prophecy.
Previously blue states have turned purple, previously purple states have turned red. Nothing is set in stone, although resting on your laurels (if your state is blue) or giving up (if your state is red) will all but guarantee that the changes will only happen in one direction: the bad one.
In 2020, Texas would have gone blue were it not for Ken Paxton purging mail-in votes, by Paxton's own admission.
Nothing is set in stone, so you need fight for every inch.
Well they’d still be able to vote in a gerrymandered district, but as far as voter suppression, it was at an all time high, in terms of ratfucking attempts, but it’s still small compared to the overall population of non-voters.
I have a good friend who believed his life didn’t change at all if he voted or who was in office. His house was given to him. His job is stable. He has very little needs and never left his small town.
He didn’t start connecting how politics impacted him until I lived with him during the pandemic. It was then he started to understand more and vote.
He’s smart otherwise and a great person who is kind to others. But he isn’t the type to look deeply into anything that isn’t immediately around him.
I feel like a lot of people need that 1:1 coaching or they legitimately cannot connect the dots in the big picture. Or maybe they need physical community and to be surrounded by people like me who can see big picture stuff easily.
It’s like people who can’t imagine objects in their head (aphantasia) but for the inability to connect abstract big picture concepts. Whatever that is called —that’s what these non-voters fuck it who cares people have.
This! Kamala is a black woman. She was never going to win. When asked if they would rather win or be right, they chose being right. They live on denial on how sexist and racist their country is.
Correlation is not causation. We elected Obama who was one of the youngest presidents in US history first term. Also he was Black. I'm not saying the country is sexist, but I am saying both the female candidates that made it the general election, ran on dog shit platforms of "more of the same"
While your logic does have a point, and there's no shortage of sexists out there, I must also state that both Clinton and Harris were horrid candidates as well, and both followed a democrat president the people were starting to/were done with.
Not only that, but both times Trump preyed on what the people were desperate to hear: "Better living conditions, lower prices" and all that. This was mainly the illusion of choice between two evils, and they chose the one that seemed to be the lesser one. The one who appeared to be "more honest" and despite being a nepo-baby called out and criticized all other rich people.
The issue is the system itself, and the fact that voters choose their candidates like celebrities or their sports team. See Harris making her campaign way more about celebrity endorsement than commiting to actual societal issues. She was never gonna win like that, and even if she did, she would still be a bad president. Not worse for sure, now that we all are seeing current Trump starting all sorts of conflicts and trying to become a dictator, but still a bad president.
The US can elect a female president. But so far the options picked for that were absolutely horrid, and I know there's several good and competent female leaders who are both democrats and republicans. Sadly they have too much common sense or lean too much to the centre to be taken seriously by the ones who want to create a spectacle.
Maybe the women weren't qualified? Clinton ran thinking her name would be enough. Kamala ran because she/they thought anyone except Joe could win. 36% who didn't vote are the true cowards in all this mess. Now a majority of Americans will suffer for 4 years because of lazy-asses who thought that not showing up to vote was a protest move. WRONG!
If only things were that simple. Humans love to focus on just one reason, but when dealing with a population of voters you have to use statistics to understand anything about whats going on. I'm sure sexism was a factor but theres so much more than that.
They basically overhauled the politicla landscape completely. Actually, the allies installed a parliamentary system that fixed most issues of the German, British, and US system, and it has worked quite well, better than the originals.
It's so fucking infuriating that practically every election, if it were possible, "did not vote" would win the presidency.
We're always looking at some stupidly close, razor margins bullshit, when there's a MASSIVE group of people that unfortunately just couldn't possibly give a shit less....
I vote that if "did not vote" wins, that means "nobody" wins, and therefore "nobody" is president for 4y, try again next time.
I also vote that we as a country take a que from Talkeetna, AK. We should elect a cat president, if one can be mayor why not? And a cat will do better than any human I've met, so..
Plenty of people who don't vote give a shit, but feel that neither party gives a shit about them. Blame those who keep offering up shit candidates instead of those who won't bend over and be coerced into voting for shit candidates.
Not voting is not the same as not voting for Trump. Not voting is complying with other people's votes. If you don't live in a swing state then that's understandable but if you live in a swing state and didn't vote, you have allowed Trump to win this election.
I wonder what the percentage of not voters in swing states is. Surely it would be way lower since they have more incentive to vote right?
The top 10 states by voter participation are:
New Hampshire
New Jersey
Those above as well as Virginia, Montana, Massachusetts, Vermont, North Carolina, Florida, and Connecticut have participation rates above ~70%. While a few swing states are in there, it's certainly not overwhelming given that I've listed about 40% of the states.
Of course the dems didnt win. How can an ostensibly leftist politcal party win an election based on support of another countrys far right-wing genocidal war, while standing for very little else, and while also reaching rightward for republican votes? Did you honestly think rhetorically waving a glock around and hugging Liz Cheney would simply work out?
The winners here who got exactly what they wanted were AIPAC, who also were the biggest funders of both american polictial parties.
So why blame the voters when its the dem party leadership and AIPAC who set this lose-lose scenario up? No anger for them at all huh. Completely innocent people? Clearly they are Victims of the awful voters and not the other way around, is our conclusion?
If you live in a country with only two options, you have to pick between one of the options, or let other people do it for you. If you chose to go with the latter, I hope it worked out for you.
Also the democratic party isn't leftist at all so idk what you expect. It's center-right at best.
Yeah, no, that's not how that works. We've got the electoral college, remember? There were 20 states that went blue. Any additional votes to Harris in those states wouldn't have made Trump win less, refraining to vote in those states ultimately didn't matter. You need to look at the percentage of people that didn't vote in states that went red. But I get it, its easier to blame everyone who didn't vote than to use critical thought.
In the US it's legal for corporations to create propaganda outlets which stream nonstop lies designed to get sensitive individuals to vote fascists. It's impossible to have democratic elections and have completely disinformed and propagandized voters. Yet even after killing hundreds of thousands of conservative voters the courts have sided with the propaganda outlets.
Yeah, these numbers are generally brought up to "show" how weak Trump support is. But, what I see is that leftists are not a majority, even among people that give a damn. So, if leftists are going to make any progress, they need to take concrete actions with whoever they can agree with for that project, instead of attacking other leftists (because they didn't vote e.g.) and going no-contact with everyone that's not as ideologically pure as yourself.
We have to build consensus and lead by example before we can win at the polls.
In a two-party, first-past-the-post system you kinda have an ethical obligation to vote for the lesser evil. It's just a statistical fact you can't ignore.
It fucking blows, but if your choices are the shitty status quo or full blown fascism, you really should pick the status quo.
Obviously doesn't fix the problem with the Democrat party sliding further and further right since they can continue to claim "lesser evil"... and it also doesn't fix the DNC superdelegate shenanigans that got us Hillary instead of Bernie... but I'd rather the country be able to still exist to fight another day.
You have to vote according to how the electoral system actually works, not how you wish it worked. Unless you - yes, you - are personally prepared to fund and organise a revolution to change that system then you vote against the actual fascist.
If you DID vote for Harris, you voted for slightly delayed fascism. You didn't vote for democracy, you just voted for slightly delayed fascism. I know, I voted for her. Democracy wasn't on the ballot.
These useful idiots have been conditioned to think that a slow loss is a win, though.
It's a major reason why I will never vote for the 'lesser evil' candidate again.
If the people getting mad at me because I didn't vote and trump won, they should do something differently next election and run a candidate that is good, not just the lesser evil.
Spoiler alert: They won't do anything different and continue to blame the people for not "falling in line." This is a song and dance that will last the rest of our lives.
It's a major reason why I will never vote for the 'lesser evil' candidate again.
I'd say the lesser evil is the greatest ally of authoritarianism in this case.
People don't vote for democrats because democrats don't care about the working class. They just use the culture war as a distraction from the class war.
If useful idiots didn't vote for hillary clinton in the 2016 primary, we would've had 8 years of Bernie and 0 years of trump.
Instead, they just throw a woman up and say "hey guys! first BLACK woman president! Vote for us or you're a bigot fascist!"
Surprise surprise, that's not a winning strategy. Stop supporting the democrats who push it.
Fun fact: both times democrats ran a female president resulted in a trump presidency. In other words, 100% of female democratic presidential candidates lost to trump. If we follow history and want a fascist in office, let's run a female that doesn't care about the working class.
I need to mention that the reason why 20 million fewer voters voted is. Because of the massive voter suppression that was done prior to the 2024 election. So many people were purged from voters rolls and many polling places were closed it wasn't funny.
While I'm sure that was part of it, a lot of people didn't vote for other reasons as well. Someone I know who you would probably consider "left" didn't vote at all because of Harris supporting Israel (I'm aware trump is worse for Palestinians), and I know a bunch of other people I've spoken to online also didn't vote at all for the same reason.
Plus I suspect a lot of other previous Biden voters didn't vote at all for similar reasons, like possibly all party's are owned by the rich.
Bottom line, a class war is needed to get the rich in check.
Unfortunately, if they didn't vote, they have no right to complain when shit blows up in their face. I don't feel represented by basically any candidate in my home country, Canada, or where I live, the UK. I still participate and vote for the person closest to what I'd like to see. If you don't participate, you don't get to removed.
Yeah. American here. It’s generally the case that the president gets votes from a minority of the population. Nothing new there. Unfortunately those of us who live here can see that the support for this monster is very real.
As a brit I have found it fascinating how American and British politics seem to mirror each other. This is exactly the same argument that was levelled against Brexit. The stats the TV showed was 51% vs 49% in favour of Brexit but only 60% of the country voted and with this teeny tiny majority of voters the Conservatives enacted a massive constitutional change and causes absolute havoc which we are still paying for today.
We've since voted out the party that caused it but it landed us with an ineffective centrist Labour party who are continuing the mistakes of the past and not appealing to the left in the slightest (sound familiar?). This government still has 4 more years left in power but unless they change tack then I am very worried that we will have a extreme right version of the Conservatives in power next election.
The problem is the First Past The Post voting system. It's not true democracy. It's weighted to the right. Two parties, both in the pocket of big business. One who says "Oh, we'd love to help all you poors but it's really not possible to increase taxes on the rich and invest in our country", and the other who says "you'll be poor but at least you're not gonna get deported or persecuted like those gay and brown people".
TLDR: Both the US and the UK need urgent electoral reform. Write to your representative. Make it an issue. Do not stop until it is a number one priority for these ghouls or they will keep fucking us.
I get downvoted every time I bring this up too. However, the voters saw January 6th and they saw the repeal of Roe V Wade. If that wasn't enough to get your butt to vote then you're fine with this.
I still think big tech backed Trump because of Lina Khan. Well also the tax breaks. Urgh ...
Both suck, but what makes harris suck is that you people will think you're winning because you're losing slower. I refuse to fall in line because I will not support the idea that a slow loss is somehow a win.
If you people want different results, run different candidates! Otherwise, "you are fine with this outcome."
Pffffft, the rest of you lot knew what was at stake, the lazy twats who couldn't be bothered to save their own nation by exercising their RIGHT to vote aren't off the hook. I've literally started to cringe when hearing Americans in public (I live in the UK) because in my mind subconsciously there's a high chance that person is dumb as fuck.
oh trust me, I did exercise my right to vote. I voted my entire ballot except the presidential race. I dont support republicans OR war criminals who promise that "nothing will fundamentally change". If you would bother reading the polls like an informed voter you'd understand that angle never had a chance to win. But if you'd rather whine after the fact on an anonymous website that doesnt even aggregate downvote/upvote counts, then be my guest, you're doing a real service for the world. Good job.
Either way. Americans have done nothing to change their electoral process.
First Past The Post in this age?
No Universal Civic Duty voting in this age?
This is a product of American inaction. And their insistence that their system is the best despite it being considered archaic and prone to manipulation by other modern democracies.
The really shocking stat is the growing number of eligible voters who have just stopped voting or participating in the system at all. When you look at the #1 reason why it is "no matter who wins my life doesn't get better and no candidate represents me". We have a quasi functional democracy at this point.
Not talking about the corporate news sewers, which is a whole other discussion. Average schmucks who live in America, do they sound like they don't mind it much?
The meme is about how razor-thin their control is. And it is. It is also (at the moment) time-bound.
Well, in 1933 when the NSPD came to power they had 43% of the seats in parliament (I haven't found the percentage of the total votes but I imagine it was much less). That did not prevent them from repeating the elections at the end of that year and getting more than 90%, you can imagine how.
Even a part of popular culture accepts that they came to power by winning elections and the German people feel and felt the shame that they came to power by democratic means, which is only half true.
I feel sorry for the American people, but they elected this team under the same rules of democracy as their previous presidents. To claim now that his election was not democratic is to distort the facts.
Don't alienate those 36.32%. I'm sure some of us have strong feelings about their choices, but at the end of the day they outnumber Democrats and Republicans each by quite a bit. If you want to see change you are going to have to convince some of them to join you. This goes for elections and this goes for revolutions.
American democracy and freedom are fucked. But I don't blame those 36% of non-voters. These people were INSPIRED to give up on politics.
It's the media environment. Political coverage fucking sucks by design. Left populism is too interesting to be given air time, too much of a threat to the people who fund the parties and own the media. Politics used to be interesting. Politicians used to say things, now they just run out the clock with white noise.
In an election between Bush and Kerry (the guy who lost 2004 election) or something like that then yes. People can be annoyed or just too busy to vote.
This election was perfectly clear that the future of US democracy was at stake and more than 1/3 of the voters decided to not show up. They decided that they were fine not choosing and as such fine with either option. I mean even if the choice was between Trump and a dog, the dog should have won by a landslide. 4 years of nothing would have been miles better than the decades that US is going back.
This presidency is already catastrophic and it barely even started.
I don’t even know how the US and the world can handle 4 years of this shit at this pace.
What makes you think this was clear to people? Most people simply do not pay attention to politics, even the voters who ignorantly cast votes for whatever their tribe is.
Nobody always wins. The "winner" is always elected by a tiny minority. It's a fundamentally corrupt system. Always has been. Literally concocted by genocidal slavers.
Already is. I've had my funeral for Uncle Sam. Done my mourning. There's nothing left but a homunculus in the vague shape of the flawed dream we once called the USA.
Places with proportional representation have parliaments with representatives from a wide range of parties that have to cooperate with each other rather than constantly undermine each other.
The numbers are all public but the post is misrepresenting then because a) total number of voters doesn't matter due to the stupidity that is the electoral college and b) I don't think there has ever been a US president who actually got more than 50% of the entire population.
Also would go further into pointing out... of those 31.74% that did vote for it... it's not a mandate for things that he didn't run on... or even ran against.
Say trump took a shit ton of credit for promising to never cut social security and medicaid. When his mind changes from what he promised, the "mandate" arguement is even worse.
In a hypothetical world where lets say someone did run, promised a lot of things, and won with 98% of the vote, so that we could say they have a mandate. The mandate still only would apply to the things they actually claimed they were going to do on the campaign trail. If they are doing the opposite of what they promised the mandate is completely bullshit even in that scenerio.
68.1% support Trump
30.84% support Harris
1.06% support 3rd party
FIFY. Please stop pretending that it wasn't a landslide. Please stop pretending that Americans don't support fascism. Please stop pretending that you're not responsible.
there is a huge number of people not legally allowed to vote but people like you insist on helping our jailers like Trump to make our fellow citizens the problem not the oligarchs
Party loyalists hate this message and would rather you just say, "vote blue no matter who". But I'm with you. I'm tired of having to hold my nose in the polling booth every time. End first past the post elections.
"AynRandLibertarian" username. Is that.. chosen ironically?
She was all about a persons worth being about their output and self sufficiency, and that empathy was evil, and yet she died penniless, in a city, using public government support to feed herself. Her ideas didnt meet their own proposed standard. Thats your hero, a poor who hated poors because they were poor, but worshipped the rich?
I'd think you were more on point if you just admired her for her lack of dental care and you hated dentists.
Let's be honest here, both parties are full of shit. During Biden term 3500 students had their visa revoked due to anti Zionist protests, let alone canary mission bullshit.
And do not forget about insider trading and that both parties are funded by private companies
Congrats USA, you just signed the death of my two cultures: First Nations and French Canadian. Your dictator will crush us like he does with every minorities and his maga army are already enjoying it. I hope you enjoy the new world, owned by and at the service of the 1% and the privilege-ass white boys.
Edit: the downvotes just proves americans are just a bunch of dumb nazi-enablers. You are the cancer of the world usa, please shoot one another.
Man if only there was some huge portion of left wing constituents demanding change over a tax funded genocide that the democratic party could have easily pandered to and gotten that extra 1% boost of votes.
But like such a group would be too small to make a difference amirite.
That 1% is the hardest percent to get. There are other major issues she'd have to compromise on, like her support of the spoiler effect.
With the benefit of hindsight, exit polls showed that the biggest issue to voters was the economy, not Palestine. So they voted for the guy who offered change, even though the change was bad.
Ah yes, Palestine abstainers, too small to make a difference (so you can't blame them for ushering in fascism and several additional genocides!) but also large enough that if Dems had just Tried This One Simple Trick, they would have gained net millions of votes and won the election.
stop fucking deluding yourselves. that's not how voting works. people who do not vote aren't voting for "other". they're voting for whoever ends up winning the votes of those who did. that 36 percent said "i don't care who wins, I'm fine with either". that is a vote for him.