despicable @
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Comments 6
Digg is about to be rebooted. Thoughts? despicable 7 1
They can fuck off, I remember why I quit that site in the first place
Kill your Feeds - Stop letting algorithms dictate how you think despicable 16 0
Saw it in my feed btw
This community when US tech is brought up despicable 3 9
You forgot to mention that they get children addicted to unregulated gambling, but that would ruin the gaben wankfest you've got going on in your head for some reason.
kemchup despicable 3 2
And you know that how? Maybe they're affected more than you and this is for their mental sanity? Either way, block lists exist for a reason.
Fucking leeches despicable 7 3
Yeah fuck that guy for being born early enough to be able to buy an $80k house via mortgage
We found Elon Musk’s DOGE email address and we’re fighting to reveal his messages despicable 2 0
Just tried it and the mail delivery subsystem rejects the messages so it's likely just automated from whatever naming convention the government uses for email addresses