I tried not to block ads, I would let the preroll go and usually not skip it.
I started skipping ads when they started getting long. I recall some were several minutes long at times.
I started leaving videos part way through when there were mid-roll ads, and those got long enough that I'd often forget what I was even watching.
I started blocking the ads outright when I would be watching a relaxing video, and a very loud mid-roll ad would blow out my goddamn eardrums.
Fuck you YouTube. You abused your users, you chased off good content creators, and now you're offering people no carrot and all stick. How about you offer to match the volume of the ads to the videos, limit the length of ads to something reasonable, and nicely tell viewers that you are making ads less annoying and that unblocking the ads helps pay the content creators.
I used to make animations for YouTube, which weren't monetized because I hate ads, and one day they copyright struck me for some very provably public domain music, but the way they did it was to insert ads into my video without my consent so they could monetize them to send the money to the scammer who flagged me. So I just deleted my entire account, fuck them.
if they're anything like cable ads, they actually make the ads louder than the regular programming on purpose to try to make sure you hear it if you tune out or just walk away. no relaxed, unfocused watching for you!
Lmao "you purposely made your stuff shit. Now, if you offered a basic service without all the shit, I might pay for that."
Bruh, you don't pay for something because it's not shit, you pay for something because it's good. By paying for a basic service simply because it's not shit, you are incentivising them to enshittify their service and offer a premium "not shit" version, instead of actually improving their service.
It's just like the people who buy the new iPhone because it actually has a headphone jack this time.
They get away with this because people don’t use the alternatives. Odysee and Rumble are actually good alternatives. No, they’re not as good as YouTube, but they’re good enough. We just need creators to also upload to those platforms. Since YouTube keeps banning and demobilising them, this problem might solve itself.
Curious, how does monetization work on those platforms? The bigger "Content creators" typically will be making videos as a job, so to draw them you'd need a halfway decent way to monetize.
I imagine they'll eventually find a way to prevent us from blocking ads. Twitch TV for example has found some ways to make adblock useless.
It's a shame, and it's really just a side effect of google racing to the bottom of the adspace game. If ads weren't as cheap as they are today, they wouldn't be trying to maximize the amount of users who are forced to see advertisements.
I suspect ad blocking will always be an arms race. The server can only ask the client to play the ad, and then rely on the client to truthfully report whether it did so.
to people saying YouTube is a moneysink for google:
yes it is, if you just look at direct expenses of running it. but you're overlooking the fact that it has enabled google to amass so much data(we're taking about 500 hours worth of videos being uploaded per minute) that they can train anything with it.
it's a service that's too big to fail. even whole governments, courts, and other institutions depend on it. so, I refuse to believe that YouTube will be non-existant because a sliver of users refuse to be profiled by invasive advertisements.
A new charity that takes your failing social media company off your hands (and your ledger!) and donates it to the United States Postal Service to administer and, after government streamlining, channel all profits into funding summer camp and spring break for our underprivilaged senators, congresspeople, and justices of federal rank or higher.
This is where I am a bit curious. In a world where we didn't have user tracking and just did ads the old fashioned way like television via over the air signals and used content as proxy for viewer interest, would folks still use ad blockers or accept having ads as part of the viewing experience? Is there a happy medium where users are willing to watch some ads, and advertisers don't track everything but still get some measurement that there shit is being viewed by real people and not bots. IDK. Is there a minutes per hour of ads per content that makes sense for video?
We just muted the TV during the ads and did something else until the show came back on. Ad breaks for regular shows like dramas were a predictable length of time, so you could time your bathroom or fridge run pretty well.
I don't mind ads if they're solely keyword-based, and one per 30 mins or so. but I do mind the tracking by ad companies(most notably google and meta).
but nowadays I'm so deep into privacy hole that I steer clear of anything that's not FOSS, unless it's absolutely necessary(e.g.: degoogled android). So naturally, ublock origin stays on all the time.
for sure. I listen to a number of podcasts that instead of having dynamically inserted ads, still have the hosts do an ad read. I don't mind that at all
I haven’t watched live tv in almost 20 years because I refuse to sit through ads, and I definitely won’t sit through them on YouTube. If it was a banner or some thing on the page or the side of video that would be more acceptable, but sitting through ads to watch a YouTube video….there’s just no way.
I basically don't subscribe to any streaming services, but we got the family plan years ago and share it with a few friends and family that chip in a couple bucks each.
It's so affordable and the content on YouTube is second to none.
I'm so happy to help content creators earn a living content I genuinely care about rather than studios led by c-suite committees.
Lemmy users only want to use foss and not pay a single penny. How dare you suggest they pay a tiny amount to help pay for servers and the creators they're watching!
It's an end of an era. I've been on reddit for over a decade, and on youtube for even longer. Crazy to think I might be giving up both of those services within a few months of each other. Feels like the internet is dying. Oh well. Maybe I'll go back to reading a shitload.
Exactly. Premium is basically twice what I'm willing to pay. I've considered going premium multiple times, and have multiple times suffered sticker shock and backed away.
I want ad free YouTube but don't want YouTube music. I don't want to pay for extra shit that I won't be using.
I use Spotify way more than I use YouTube. Spotify does one thing and it does it extremely well.
If Spotify added unlimited free Uber eats delivery tomorrow and bumped up the price to $20 a month, then sure, it'd be a good deal but I wouldn't want any of that.
I'm not sure about individual plans, but YouTube Premium Family went up to $23 per month. I've been a member since day 1 and they eliminated all grandfathering for me. Spotify is $15 for Duo or $17 for family.
Yeah I could care less about people saying they'd watch ads of they were less intrusive. I'm not, I don't give a fuck about YouTube's sustainability who happened to still have major growth while I ran an AdBlock this entire time.
Maybe I'd consider paying if YouTube was the actual product I was paying for. Instead I get privacy invasive spying and my data being harvested, while am paying to do so. The product I'd want to pay for would have zero privacy invasive stuff involved. Which that isn't going to exist, so I'm never going to pay.
In my opinion its impossible to be unable to care less if you are aware of something there is always a tiny bit of care wether its negative or not is irrelevant.
I don't really know how people can even use YouTube without ad blockers. Sitting through minutes of advertisement is not going to make me want to buy your product if I start mentally associating your product with frustration and annoyance. If these video ads are going to be repetitive and annoying, at least make them funny.
It seems like there is nowhere on the Internet to get away from ads currently, even here, where you thought you are safe, you are now reading an ad for my newest movie (you know the one), now also available on streaming!
Youtube is getting on cable tv levels of bad. On a regular ~10min video you will first deal with a few preroll ads and at least one is unskippable, then the creator will have a 2+ minute sponsor segment (I don't mind those since they are usually well presented). There will also be multiple midroll ad spots.
Depending on video length, it's gonna soon be literally more ad than video. They are still stealing and selling your data though, and also making the web worse for everyone with DRM shit.
Fuck. Google.
I had already migrated to Invidious since last year because I degoogled everything. Seems like now its time to look for real youtube alternatives.
Youtube is getting on cable tv levels of bad. On a regular ~10min video you will first deal with a few preroll ads and at least one is unskippable, then the creator will have a 2+ minute sponsor segment (I don’t mind those since they are usually well presented). There will also be multiple midroll ad spots.
That would only be accurate if Google quintupled the price of YouTube Premium and forced these ads upon actual paying customers.
I really don't like it when pro-piracy advocates whine about being served ads or not having everything on a single unified service costing just $9.99 a month, or a fraction of how much Cable used to cost.
Now this may be a bitter pill for the Lemmy World community to swallow, but ads being annoying doesn't grant you a God given right to freeload off of other people's products and services, and this rings especially true for YouTube. The only reason I don't compare ad-blockers to piracy is due to their downright necessity in tackling malvertising, which is unfortunately all-too-common.
YouTube is the only big player in the video sharing market for a reason, and that's because hosting videos is prohibitively expensive unless you have the resources of Alphabet Inc and the existing following that YouTube already has. Many competitors have come and gone. Heck, the only competitors in this space are Dailymotion (a French platform that has been enshittified Digg v4 style) and Rumble (an extreme pro-free speech platform that's being bankrolled by alt-righters.)
You forget that many simply don't care, like me. I stopped using anything google for a reason. Their services are usually lower quality than alternatives, might get shut down tomorrow, paying them doesn't stop your data from being milked, and they continually look for ways to make the internet worse. You're supporting the biggest ads company here...
I pay for 3+ streaming services, and all of them offer me a better deal than yt. It's not about paying for me. It's simply not worth it for my low use of the platform. I only ever look at my 20 subscriptions and my watch later playlist. Until that goes away I will block ads.
I'm just waiting for the next platform to pop up, it's gonna happen sooner or later and hopefully isn't cancer...
And forget about the absolute goldmine YouTube is for Google. It's is among the most important information repositories in history and profits massively from it. There is a reason they run it at a loss. Google uses that data to categorize everything thing about you and uses it to exploit your psychology to sell whatever bullshit their advertisers are peddling this week. It then double dips by selling off that data. And I'm supposed to pay for this? Nah. Fuck Google. I'd rather see YouTube get shit canned than pay a single dime to Google.
Heck, the only competitors in this space are Dailymotion (a French platform that has been enshittified Digg v4 style) and Rumble (an extreme pro-free speech platform that’s being bankrolled by alt-righters.)
Does anyone else remember back in the days of VCR, the networks wanted to push a technology that disallows you from fast-forwarding through ad breaks on the stuff you recorded?
I guess, technically yes. Does that mean I have to specify that I am in no way endorsed by or representing Pepperidge Farms and that I cannot attest the quality of their products because they are not offered in my country (or at least I haven't seen them)? Is that The Way It's Meant To Be Played?
Bruh, your not gonna believe this, but the ducks at the park are free. if you use one of these, you can download all the ducks you want. I downloaded 9000 ducks so far.
The UBO guys have recommended turning off other plugins (obviously, start by turning off everything, then turn stuff on slowly until you find what is conflicting).
Oh, and make sure you're on Firefox, not any chromium based browser (Edge, Chrome, Opera, Brave etc).
I've also seen suggestions that you should try removing any custom filters (can't remember if that's direct from the UBO guys or not)
That would just put an undue burden on the places that host the blocklists, for no good reason. Purge is something that only needs to be done manually in particular cases like this one.
Not everyone would want the cache cleared all the time. Cache is useful, it prevents you from reloading everything every time. If he was to add the functionality it would probably need to be an adjustable setting.
Go to settings. Go to Filter Lists. Click purge all caches. Click update now.
That’s it, this message should disappear entirely.
I think there is going to be a time when ublock alone cannot simply program their way out of this, they will need help eventually from a completely different approach like anti ablock killers or some other app that hide the blocker itself from detection
Capitalism is driven by the idea of a free market, where competition and the law of supply and demand determine prices, production, and distribution. Manipulating you to buy stuff you don't need is the result of human greed, not capitalism. That's such a monothink way of seeing the world.
Imagine living in a small town in the middle ages. You're growing corn, your neighbour has a chicken farm, then there's also a bakery, blacksmith etc. Say you now need nails. Where do you go? To the blacksmith obviously. Does he just give them to you? No, he wants something in return. Well you offer corn because that's what you have plenty of but what if he doesn't want corn but wants eggs instead? Well you can go to your neighbour and ask if he would like to trade some eggs for corn which you could then further trade for nails. Maybe that works, maybe it doesn't, but that's still a bit of an hassle. That's why people came up with money. You can just sell your corn, get cash, buy those nails with said cash and the blacksmith can then go buy eggs with that. That's capitalism.
This is not what is happening. Google offers you a tier with advertising for free. If you'd prefer to not have the ads, you can pay a small fee, get no ads and also steam every song ever. I truly don't see the controversy.
It's literally cheaper than a beer for a full month of this service, but people would rather spend hours of their time tinkering with settings instead. Personally, I don't have that kind of time.
If I'm not mistaken, the "tinkering" necessary in uBlock Origin would take much less than the time you took to type out your comment. And no, it doesn't cost less than a beer.
You have a point, but the problem goes far beyond ads vs. no ads. There is definitely a lot of controversy, and you simplify choose not to see it, but don't try to act like everyone else is just too dumb or too poor to see things your way when neither of those are true.
Google more than just kind of sucks. Like you said they haven’t done shit in a long time outside of making the internet more hostile with shit like this and their planned chrome-based anti adblock (a LOT of browsers run on chromium which would bring the same shit, Mozilla4lyfe)
Also, the google graveyard is just pathetic at this point. They truly can’t do shit outside of anti-user bullshit
You got me! Android came after maps in 2008. So that's not a great argument for recent development. Is pixel meaningfully different than Nexus? That would put it in 2010, or 2016 if you insist pixel is a big innovation.
Android is developed by a consortium of developers called The Open Handset Alliance under an open source license. It is most certainly not a Google product, any more than Linux is a Canonical product. As in, they help develop it but it's not their product.
Ignoring everything after Google maps is ignorant as hell. I mean Google Photos is literally used by a massive percentage of iPhone users as well, because it's so good.
Ads are served based on your browsing history. If you have never watched those, then you probably should check on you 8yo child or wife's who's using the same acc
Simply not having them repeat so often would already go a long long way. I always end up with the same ad 20 times in a row and it's not even relevant to me. I don't get how the ad industry can be worth billions of dollars and be so complete crap at what they do. Most of the stuff I watch on Youtube is essentially already an ad to begin with, all the unboxing, reviews, sponsored content, etc. is just showing me what new products are out there, and they do it in an entertaining fashion. Why are the actual ads so much worse?
Usually most of my YouTube ads are for bullshit training programs (and I do mean bullshit, like pseudosciencey shit) or gambling.
Both are just at the edge of legality (I am pretty sure some cross it).
Except since last month, because now almost all are for that Scorsese movie. I mean, I don't mind being advertised that, but I've seen these ads so much that all they managed to do is make me hate it despite barely knowing anything about it.
Also, unskippable ads keep being longer. Now it's reached two 20-second ads interrupting even short-ish videos every 5 minutes or so.
So yeah, people, that's what YouTube looks like without an ad blocker now. Gee, I wonder why so many block them.
I get the piano fraud guy shouting about how only he can teach you mastery of the piano in three days, or something like that. It's a scam but I can't get rid of his obnoxious ads.
In my region (Philippines), this Shopee ads (eq. of Amazon in US) are too cutesy, annoying, and louder than my video I suppose to watch. With or without Google account, this particular ad is everywhere on YouTube. Don't get me on gambling ads.
The temu and tiktok ads that seem to be intentionally engineered to provoke extreme negative emotions such as discomfort and irritation, that force your attention on the screen by overloading your ears with so much noise that you feel compelled to take in some amount of visual information to ease the shock, and then tacking on hashtag slogans at the end; like "oddly satisfying" after a video of a fucking butcher knife cutting through colorful play sand or "shop like a billionaire" after yelling at me about cheap Chinese goods, both of which only serving as reminders of the current state of society at large and pushing me ever so closer to a state of blind rage; are what finally pushed me to install vanced on my android.
It's psychological torture and it should be against international human rights law.
Unpopular opinion: They should've just started charging big creators, kind of like Vimeo. Mofos be having youtube ads, sponsorships, built-in ads, courses, merch stores and patreon, and then they whine when youtube wants them to comply with advertiser's demands.
People choose products that seem or sound familiar. It is a psychological effect that advertisers abuse. Often times you see the same ad multiple times and this establishes that familiarity.
People should be able to choose if they want to see ads or not.
When I need a product and start product hunting than that's the perfect time to open yourself for "suggesting a thing" as you call it. Now if I am just browsing a page like reddit or whatever and see an ad that I really don't want to see, don't need etc etc. THAT is brainwashing because it stays unconsciouslly on your mind if you see it enough times which increases the chances that you'll act on it, buy, think about it. This is basic stuff.
Many many years from now IF humanity has not wiped out itself and actually evoved, this statement:
"Advertisement is brainwashing and should be against human rights."
Unpopular Opinion: I don’t like ads as much as anyone, I’d rather YouTube monetises 1440p and 4k content instead of forcing people to watch ads. YouTube is an extremely expensive business to run, so it being free forever is completely unsustainable.
so it being free forever is completely unsustainable.
Well they own a lot of the infrastructure that makes youtube possible, which means they are keeping their own costs a lot lower than people think. I believe a lot of the 'its unsustainable!!', or 'it makes no money!!' rhetoric we are hearing is come straight from the google PR dept.
It's not a money sink. They are using the data they collect to rake in cash. Don't let the fact the money is made by a different business unit fool you into thinking Google is struggling.
Google recently announced that it's podcast service is shutting down and moving to YouTube music, I don't want or need YouTube music so I've already moved to Podcast Republic, it has a few ads but they can be removed with a small one off payment. Google just wants to shove all it's users into YouTube and YouTube music for maximum ads and data harvesting.
Heads up as more and more people seem to not know this lately: the overwhelming majority of podcasts are officially and legally available without having to pay for them. Traditionally a podcast was just an mp3 or video file someone posted up on their blog that could be subscribed to via a basic RSS feed.
Anyway, on Android Antenna Pod is a great free and open source app for managong podcasts and youe subscriptions to them. Can get it off F-Droid.
The way I see it, if a podcast isn't available through RSS it ain't a podcast.
Spotify exclusives: Not podcasts.
Audible exclusives: Not podcasts.
If I can't listen to it on my phone with Overcast, then I won't listen to it. The only exception for me is stuff on BBC Sounds, but much of that isn't offered as podcast anyway.
AntennaPod user for years and years here too. I've tried other ones but always come back. It's in the regular play store as well if that's easier for folks.
Podcast Republic is great, one of the few apps I've kept for years on my phone. I removed the ads ages ago, and I've even sent them an extra tip once in a while.
2025: Search removed. Spend a decade crippling the function, then claim the usage data support getting rid of it!
2027: Expiring updates. Juice those watch numbers with a new artificial scarcity measure. Marvel Bullshit 49 Theatrical Trailer, available for seven days only! Featuring AI Robin Williams and a Mr B_ast guest ad!
2028: Web Environment Integrity inserted. Hand warmer sales crater as mobile viewers relish their new handset functionality.
Even if I have to sit through 30 seconds of silence, is there a way to redirect the ad to a ghost browser so I don't have to listen to something like grubhubs stupid video?
I hear the ungoogled chromium is immune to the youtube antiadblock bs while getting rid of google's influence, leaving you to be able to keep your Firefox identity safe without compromising your privacy by going to a browser you know is maintained by a community instead of another corporation
Definitely agree, but your link is protected by cloudflare (yet another centralized service destroying the internet) and therefore I'm unable to get through because I have privacy.resistFingerprinting enabled on my browser so cloudflare is unable to determine I'm human I suppose.
I despire youtube and it's monopoly, and I think it get's an appropriate amount of hate on here and HN, but what confuses me to no end are the people who complain about youtube turn right around and constantly recommend cloudflare. Can someone explain what I am missing?
Reset Ublock orgin and update the filter and Ublock extension.
Disable other adblock extension if you have one.
Still you would be getting the popup once a while.
Yeah. This is becoming a problem with Google. Whatever they have created they just want to make it shit. Like everybody can't just pay and the amount of ads just makes it unwatchable.
On my firefox this rarely shows up though.
I use the privacy extensions uBlock Origin, Privacy Badger, Decentraleyes.
Oh no, I will have to do something useful with my time instead of watching 100 viral and algorithmically selected videos designed to enrage me -- one after each other. WHAT WILL I DO
If you're primarily interested in the science and engineering content, nebula is a wonderful platform where membership fees directly support content creators.
one way to look at it is a blessing in disguise. instead of dissociating with YT, now you have all this time to figure out who you actually are and then become that thing. i imagine it's more rewarding than passively watching YT.
A good ad blocker would be one that will still load the page as intended but not display the ads. There would be no way for the site to know you can't see them. Blocking their activation just signals the site that you are using an adblocker.
Edit: I was thinking more of a VM sandbox like another comment said
For a while, I've been quietly preparing for the day when YT becomes unusable. I've been using Odysee and Peertube to see if they are viable options. To some limited extent they already are, but there are still lots of room for improvement. Just like Mastodon feels like the early days of Twitter, Lemmy feels like the early days of Reddit, Odysee is a bit like YT once was a very long time ago.
in recent years, YT has been working hard to kick out certain types of channels, so nowadays you can find that sort of content in some of the other platforms. It depends on what you're looking for, so the experience can be anything between awful and great.
In recent years there's been a shift from "white/black list" to "allow/block list" in an effort to avoid the stereotypes associated with those terms. I wouldn't say it's the new norm yet, but it's slowly becoming more popular.
Yeah, basically the demand for hate outstrips the supply, so they decided that whitelist/blacklist is racist. Its just a power trip, being able to change peoples vocab with nonsense.
Originally there was an X. Now I have to wait a few seconds before I can click the X.
This pause gives me time to think if I really need to watch this video, which more and more often is turning into a "not really".
I did this because a version of this pop-up started showing up in every video for me this week. Didn't help. I'm thinking about using piped, though I really don't like the UI, it's not polished enough.
Yeah. This is becoming a problem with Google. Whatever they have created they just want to make it shit. Like everybody can't just pay and the amount of ads just makes it unwatchable.
On my firefox this rarely shows up though.
I use the privacy extensions uBlock Origin, Privacy Badger, Decentraleyes.
I just wanted to say that uBlock works in removing the annoying warning. But it doesn't prevent youtube from blocking your access to videos. I'm right now in the situation that I can't watch any video until tomorrow, despite uBlock and stuff.
EDIT: Screw you, Google, now I'm watching youtube videos on VLC.
I'll look forward to reading this yet again next week, alongside all the entitlement in the comments section that seem to think running YouTube is free and recommending trash alternatives which have less than 1% of YouTube's content and don't even work.
I believe I know where the entitlement is coming from: Most people here are literal children who never worked or paid for anything in their life. The mental gymnastics going in here to justify consuming a commercial service for free is staggering.
I switched from reddit to lemmy to avoid the tiktok crowd that invaded reddit over the last few years, but it looks like this place has already gone to shit, too.
It’s not really a problem though, least not one worth being constantly all over my feed. the solution is in the picture. Allow YT ads or pay , it’s really not the hard.
Look this is different than pirating a game or bypassing a newspaper paywall. Watching content on YouTube simply costs money to YouTube. It's not like torrenting a game or movie, where while you haven't paid for the content, it didn't cost anything to the owner other than theoretical revenue. And it's not like bypassing a newspaper paywall, either, where the cost to the newspaper to serve you the story is practically negligible and the real costs are fixed and not related to how many people actually read the story.
Hosting video costs money and nobody can replace YouTube's massive library or realistically replicate their business model. I mean just look at image/gif hosting sites, they constantly go bust like Photobucket because storing everyone's pictures forever and for free isn't not a real business model.
YouTube needs to be paid for its gonna go the way of Photobucket.
Google has billions. YouTube pirates (can we call ourselves that yet?) are not going to bankrupt Google. In fact, Alphabet is spending more on their crackdown for sake of principle.
But Google is beholden to its shareholders, whose interests are diametrically opposed to that of the general public, so any gain by Google is a loss to the rest of us.
So any profit we can deny the Google machine remains instead in the economy, rather than vaulted in offshore accounts or used to further lock down the empires of the shareholders.
The day I can't watch YouTube sans commercials is the day I quit watching YouTube. And then it will get absolute-zero engagement from me.
So bring it. I do not need YouTube, and it needs viewers like me.
Good luck trying to talk about this with any amount of reason.
I'm a pirate, I understand what I'm doing is defrauding the tos of a mega corporation. I UNDERSTAND that and IM DOING IT ON PURPOSE.
But it seems like most of the people here are just going to hurl insults at you and call you a shill because you laid it out as "this cost money and the business needs money to even do it". This is how "free" services have always worked. They aren't a fucking charity.
I don't like ads so I do everything in my power to not see ads. Once they kill ReVanced and they start banned Google accounts, I'll just stop using YouTube unless I have a specific tutorial need.
YouTube doesn’t need to get paid (by the users watching their ads) they get paid through you, the actual product. What you watch what you click on what you search for, these are ALL monitizable. You think Google is protecting your data instead of selling it lmao
Furthermore how much is enough? They gonna keep adding more and more unskipable ads more pre/mid/post rolls, b-b-but the multi fucking billion dollar corpo needs to get pAiD!!!!
Go where? The only companies that can afford to do unlimited video forever for everyone are the likes of Meta, Amazon, Microsoft, etc. Meta tried to steal VOD watchers from YouTube years ago, they failed. Amazon tried to get into VOD via Twitch, they gave up. Microsoft tried to come after Twitch with Mixer, they failed. Moreover, a lot of the things we hate about youtube like poor content moderation, the copyright system, demonetization, etc arent youtubes fault. The broken copyright system is just a result of what copyright law is, it'd probably be worse on a different site since they wouldn't have the special agreement YouTube has with major copyright holders to serve as an intermediary. Instead of content strikes, or an ad revenue claim, that youtube has the special power to do, you'd just default to DMCA takedowns for everything immediately. And yeah content moderation and demonetization is bad but Youtube never wanted to do this right? They were happily showing ads on ISIS videos, its advertisers that forced them, which is how we ended up with a system that randomly pulls ads from videos if there is a hint of something an ad agency would object too. I mean it's either this or advertisers don't advertise at all, which fucks everyone, instead of a few people.
Youtube is squeezing one party really hard while pretending the other party doesn't owe shit to keep their monopoly. Start charging uploaders. If YouTube needs to up what they're earning because of things like bandwidth cost and what not make uploaders cover some of that cost. They're a business making money off of the platform so charge them.
This is the worst possible take I've heard this week, probably this year.
You would fuck over thousands of people, in addition to creating a bar of entry for anyone wanting to post a video or start a channel. Like I genuinely don't even know where to begin explaining how bad this take is.
My statement was far too broad for it to be "setting a bar of entry". YouTube is trying to squeeze its viewers for every drop they can without having uploaders and im obviously not talking about the little guy here shoulder any of that cost. Who in your mind is responsible for the cost associated with lets say a Mr Beast video? Is it Mr Beast or is it the viewer? I think it's both.
Imagine if a (physical paper) newspaper could block you from reading an article because you didn't spend enough time looking at the ads.
After the content gets delivered to my browser, it's up to me how I want to consume that content. Anything that happens beyond that point is client-side. If I choose to pay attention to ads on purpose, that's my choice. If I accept the webserver's response and choose to view only parts of what I got, then that's my choice, too.
Imagine if a newspaper could block you from reading an article because you didn't spend enough time looking at the ads.
I don't have to imagine. Many newspaper websites are exactly like that; or at least require an upfront payment in the form of a subscription to read. Just like a real newspaper.
Imagine if a newspaper could block you from reading an article because you didn’t spend enough time looking at the ads.
That's a bad comparison. Newspapers cost money, so you either buy one or you don't read the articles. Even in the case of free ones, they're littered with ads. You don't need to watch them, but they're still there.
I hate what youtube is doing just as much as the next guy, but I'm yet to hear a convincing argument as to why it should be free. Many of the people complaining about this are gladly paying for Spotify and Netflix. Why not demand those for free too?
Could we stop saying they sell user data? That's not what's happening. They collect that data because it's useful. Their business model relies on not selling your data. The way it works is they collect and hoard your data and then use that data and their algorithms to target you with ads. Ad companies pay them to target demographics like women between the ages of 18-25 or men between the ages of 40-60 with ads based on things they watch on YouTube, emails they send or receive, other ads they've clicked on, and most importantly items they have searched for. In conjunction with data from the phones around you (other people you visit or live with etc).
This is about ad companies paying google to target you with ads. It absolutely is not about google selling your data. That data is valuable to them because of their business model. And they literally need to hoard it. Amazon and Apple and Microsoft do the same thing.
All these platforms like youtube, facebook, twitter don't make any sense from a financial standpoint. Their model was fucked from the start and only now are we seeing the consequences.
Hello, you must be new here. We don't like to be held accountable for anything and simply vocalize all our problems in an echo chamber where we collectively agree that other people should be held accountable instead. I hope this offers some context for the downvotes.
Meanwhile, at expensive private schools across the world, budding young neoliberals are being taught there is nothing more reprehensible than not milking every possible person of every possible penny.
So they should just provide you a totally free service the costs them money because...? Are they still going to pay creators or do you want everyone to work for free to entertain you?
Petition the government to make a nationally owned and run video sharing site if that's what you want, don't be surprised when a capitalist company doesn't give you everything you want for free
I am so tired of seeing this argument. I do not care about ads. That is not the problem. The problem is that YouTube thinks it is entitled to suck up every little bit of information about me and everyone within speaking distance of me just because I use their service. Do you want to run ads? Go for it. Do you want to get a little bit of basic information about your audience? Such as State or city? Honestly, that is fine. We need to establish a line, but I am not wholesale against any sort of information coming in. But that is not what they are doing. They give us these opaque TOS’s that allow them to take so much information and even sell it to third parties. It is out of control and we have no sense of what our data is worth or who is getting it. That is not OK.
If you want to do an on air read, I’m not going to skip it. If YouTube to run the occasional ad, I’ll watch it. But I will never, ever take down my VPN and ublock origin. I will never apologize for obfuscating my data a little bit. That is my right, and I will exercise it every time.
There is also one other very simple problem with this argument: you don’t have to run ads and steal all my data in order to make money. There are tons of other revenue models out there.
The ads are just out of control. Back when it was one, maybe two, ads that were 10-20s long combined, I was willing to sit through it. Now there are almost always multiple ads concurrent, ads in the middle of the video, ads at the end of the video if it plays all thr way through, then ads again before the next video plays.
Bring it back to a single ad at the beginning of the video and give me a variety of ads so it isn't the same 3 over and over, and I'll sit and watch it.
You could build a successful service that brought in $1 million a month from happy users treated ethically, but there will always be an insatiable psycopath whispering "if we sold our user data, we could make a extra $100k each month".
So one ad becomes two. Users are tracked and the information sold. Algorithms are created to make services as addictive as possible, because "one more video" turns into "4 more ads".
However many apologists may post about poor, destitute Google being unable to feed their children because people aren't watching enough ads, we're absolutely correct to oppose that endless creeping.
There is always another sleazy way to manipulate people out of money. Companies need to learn to accept that their tens of millions of dollars profit are enough.
This. I used to pay for ytp family plan, way back when now. I had to skip a month as money was that tight. When I went to resub, they wanted an extra ~$5 a month, or like 25%, for the same content and features. No advertised changes in revenue sharing amounts.
I just pay creators directly now, via patreon and ko-fi. I don't care about yt, I care about a few creators. A few have stated that $1 is more than they make from yt per user per month. The revenue split is wild.
I don't care about ytm. Cut the cost in half and give more to the people that are actually providing content. Right now yt in my eyes is greedy and their additional price hikes solidify that.
Difference is those other networks actually make content thats arguably seen as worth paying for. YouTube recycles user content and barely pays those users for it. Yes you can say that they deserve your money for servers and whatnot, but you can’t compare YouTube with those other services you mentioned and expect people to cry big crocodile tears…
They're not recycling anything though. They're hosting it. For 90% of therm they're not even charging the person to host it.
That's only possible because of ads, because it's not out of the kindness of their hearts. If there was not just value but negative value in Youtube, they would just shut Youtube down. Yeah, they make a lot more money than they need to maintain youtube. But they'd probably prefer to put that money towards the things actually making them money.
And yeah, it would be nice if some site existed that wasn't corporate driven, but most of them either have no content, or are just siphoning off of Youtube's content anyway.
And yes, you can say Youtube's (users) content, and it virtually makes no difference in the grand scheme of things. Hosting the content is still required to do.
Most importantly they are simping for Google and acting as though YouTube is an independent company with its own separate stocks and unaffiliated under the Google monolith.
I dont use those particular other services to be fair. I do admittedly pay for Nebula, but to my understanding that is supposed to be more creator driven and is quite cheap anyway.
The thing about YouTube adblocking, at least for me, is that I dont think they owe me free and ad free content, or that they should be obligated to offer that for some reason. I fully understand that delivering video the way they do costs some amount of money even if not very much for an individual user, so blocking their monetization scheme means that using their website costs them money. However, I do not like or respect that company, I feel that their engagement algorithms have proven generally harmful to society as a whole by pushing people to more extreme content to improve retention, and I feel that their position as the primary place anyone thinks of to upload or view video not created by large scale studios is non-ideal. As such, when I do end up watching something there (content which, I might add, isnt even something that they create, just stuff independent creators are pretty much forced to upload there to be relevant as they are by far the largest game in town for their niche), I'm not bothered by blocking their ads, because I dont really care about Youtube's profit margin. If anything, if doing so actually harms them, in some tiny way, that is a bonus in my book.
If Google wasn’t so blatantly malicious in their advertising practices then I would gladly pay for YouTube premium. However, their current business model of “take any and every bit of data on them to sell more product” is morally repugnant. Subsequently, I feel no shame in blocking ads and using invidious to avoid giving them even a cent of revenue.
I know but ... YouTube belongs to YouTube, and I'm sure google is already making tons of money selling/using the data of all their users so...
I would not have a problem with one or two ads, but they often put three or more annoying ads per video.
Yeah, you can tell by the replies how much this forum is filled with entitled children and hipster anarchists.
That and by how anytime Google is mentioned here in literally any context, the top comments are all about how much people hate Google. Could be an article about Google rescuing lost kittens, and people here will make up stories about how Google is doing it for some evil reason and it's a threat to the internet as we know it.
Anyone who tries to argue with me will be summarily blocked because I don't have the patience today. Thanks in advance for helping me populate my block list.
You and the other person's misrepresentation of the reason others are complaining about this are little more than complaining about other people complaining.