Pretty sure tons of people said they if Trump takes office, inflation would skyrocket thanks to the tarrifs and all his other bullshit... This was entirely expected. It's the result we all knew was coming if he took office.
If it were any other Democrat in office right now, the media would have been pinning the blame harder than fighting games got blamed for violence in the 90s. Getting real sick of the narrative they're spinning.
Trump had already announced his policies. This was the markets pricing in those expectations. It'll get worse if his tariffs are anything more than empty threats.
Absolutely, the moment he won is when it really started. All industries reacted and changed based on this. My friend works in the renewable energy industry, and basically, all of his projects and contracts dried up by December based off what they knew was coming. He basically does nothing for the foreseeable future except wait or get fired. Surely all this change is already seeing a real impact for January numbers.
Turkey did this and the value of their currency halved in value per year for two consecutive years. Imagine if in 2 years a dollar became worth only 50 cents and then a quarter. Everything would cost four times more and, if wages didn't keep up, there would be a revolution (or at least I'd hope so).
they Turkish lira lost way more value than that overall. it's still losing value but at a much slower rate. its value is 1/9th of what it was in 2018 before the first big crisis. and 1/6th of what it was in the height of that crisis.
People that understand economics said that People who labor under the delusion that Republican administrations are better for the economy thought otherwise.