It pained me to discover that my brother liked one of his books in 2020. I'm very careful to not stress our relationship because he's otherwise a decent person. I shudder to think what other content he might expose himself to over time and what that will mean for our relationship.
I read one of his books before i knew who he was, and found although the advice was mostly common sense (if a bit context free) advice, followed by long rants about traditional family's, and backed up by bible. I found myself thinking "what about behaviourism research?", you know there has been progress in the last 100 years. I'm ashamed that the traditional family shit didn't tip me off.
I've found him come up in my google feeds often too, It's insidious.
In terms of convincing your brother about how off this guy is, generally there are how to approach things on line (i.e. you can't always take a logical approach). I've also encountered this kind of thing in my extended family, I've got distant aunts that likely voted for trump, and they are otherwise decent people (i.e. not racist, and supportive).
It's a wild statement to insinuate that your family voting for Trump somehow makes them bad people. Likewise, Peterson has some decent advice that I think should not fully be written off due to his personal life.
I haven't really seen anyone in this thread disqualify his argument based on merits and only using their own feelings to say he's wrong.
In all honesty, I don't have a horse in this race, but I don't think Peterson is a terrible as everyone seems to think. Maybe I'm crazy
You cool with him shilling for fracking billionaires now too?
most of his "good advice" is just bland generic shit. the awful shit he puts out there far overshadows the generic advice that you could get from mister rogers
Seriously. I don't understand this shit, I've even heard this kind of "good advice" garbage about Andrew Tate and "work ethic". Are you telling me you can't find a single other person in your chosen field to look up to? You can't come up with your own personal advice through observation? Why are all these young dudes so desperate to idolize someone?
I mean, just voting for Trump doesn't objectively make you a bad person... That's the definition of being subjective. Also, I'm confident in my intelligence, please don't make lemmy the dumpster fire that is Reddit.
I'm not saying that Trump is a good person, again this is a discussion of Peterson, but one could argue that aside from Trump's character he wasn't the worst president the US has had.
Your argument is purely semantic and not really substantive unless you define what a "bad person" is. That'll be different to everyone, so without a common operating definition of a "bad person" your point, while technically true, doesn't really mean anything.
Voting for for trump does make them worse people, they are objectively supporting a racist. Trump family stole money from childrens cancer charity. That's bad.
Likewise I didn't write off Peterson for his personal life I wrote him off cause his arguments are rooted in the bible.
Really what makes peterson and trump so bad is that they are completely self centered, and self gratification is their only goal. They care about nobody else.
because he’s otherwise a decent person. I shudder to think what other content he might expose himself to over time and what that will mean for our relationship.
Maybe he's wondering what content you're exposing yourself to, as well? i think it's time you guys talk, but on one condition; To not be easily offended.
i'm wondering; would he feel offend by you, or you feel offended by him?
He brought up men's rights bullshit around the same time (actually, maybe a bit earlier). I shot that down in the most diplomatic terms I could. He seemed not to resist (I think I made my point fairly well and he reconsidered). He's a good father and a caring brother. That's enough for me.