I mean, stories that are meant to emulate the old romances would follow nobles simply because that's the medium. But I definitely agree that more stories set current day need working class (or just not owning class) protagonists. I think revolutionary stories in the style of epics would be amazing, but unfortunately I have met with difficulty writing such a thing.
This made my heart drop. However marginalized or trod upon I may be, I am still part of the rich. I don't make my living just by owning things, so I got that going for me; but my whole lifestyle sits on the backs of those folks. I knew it was bad, but this picture was just a gut-punch. If these people need to march on us to be liberated, so may it be.
Questions from a Real History N00b
My parents had Copaganda The Show on in the room, and a Chinese character talked about how her parents were doctors during the cultural revolution, but were accused of using bourgeois science and were sentenced to reeducation. I don't know enough about the cultural revolution to know anything about that, so I googled. Naturally I found myself on Wikipedia (blech) where they talked about a variety of "bourgeois pseudoscience" ranging from phrenology and eugenics to psychology and sociology. These latter two were specific to the PRC. Of course I know better than to automatically believe NATOpedia, especially on topics like these, but I don't know any better places to look for accurate information, particularly in English. So I have a few questions.
Where can I go to find these answers? I am aware of ProleWiki, but a lot of the pages I've seen have been more summary and less in-depth talks about these things.
Is psychology and potentially psychiatry still considered bourgeois science? I have a variety of psychiatric disorders, and I would be upset if my communist utopia did not see fit to help me deal with them. I have heard of anti-psychiatry, and some random dude claiming it is popular on the left? Not jumping to believe them, but instead asking people who have a better chance of actually knowing.
Is there any truth that the PRC did take these actions? Do they still? If I were to move to China, would I be unable to get psychiatric meds?