I've tried a lot. My two current faves are Macquarie and Up. Just realised I haven't changed for ages so they must be good.
Are Up giving you a reason for not accepting the transfer? I haven't transferred any to my crypto provider for a while, but it used to work fine
The food there was spectacular
Definitely was!
People who want to argue otherwise baffle and infuriate me
Definitely my experience with discord also. It sucks. Maybe I'm just a grumpy old fart.
Only issue I have with Lemmy is that there isn't enough of us here from the Brisbane community. Luckily(?) My 3rd party Reddit app is currently still alive so I've found myself going back there a bit. I even had another (boost is full Telstra) argument the other day for old times sake
Fubar is a surprisingly funny tv show as well
Mary Fowler now ruled out with concussion. How hard are they training?!
Funniest bit of this is that Tate was on holidays. His deputy said that they didn't want it/it wasn't feasible or possible. Tate literally flew home to over rule her
PSA: Linkfield Rd overpass closed
Around lunchtime today someone crashed into the overpass again. Traffic currently being diverted. Big delays.
This is the problem though. The ones hanging around the campsites aren't behaving as native animals.
For more than 30 years you'd be lucky to see one and if you did, it would slink off into the distance and go back to its natural environment. Those dingoes are special and should absolutely be left alone. The packs who are known to hang around high people areas are the problem. They aren't the same thing
They aren't wild. They're completely reliant on stupid humans for food. The ones around Eli creek and orchid beach have so much human interaction they might as well be domesticated dogs.
The information isn't working. The dingos are getting bolder, are not afraid of humans and when they don't get what they want (food) they become aggressive. They're also pack animals and extremely smart. They see one dingo successfully open an Esky/tent/get food from a human and it doesn't take long for the pack to think that that's a decent way to go about it.
Yes the tourists are stupid, but what's happened is that the dingoes now believe that every human is a food source. Those backpackers that fed the dingo and got away with it don't suffer the consequences of their actions, it's every human than comes after them.
The population is estimated to be between 100-200 (I think it's much higher than that) you can't seriously think that if one of these animals repeatedly attacks people that the animal should be protected?
When the recent dog attacks happened in Brisbane, everyone expects the dog to be put down. I have no idea why the same isn't applied to dingoes. The local indigenous leaders are in agreement as well.
Dingos on K'gari
Obviously a lot of media about the dingos lately.
I've been travelling to Fraser/K'gari for over 30 years. The last 2 visits were the first time that I as an adult felt in danger. I've always been vigilant with watching my 2 kids, but it certainly takes the relaxation out of the equation when you're constantly scanning for them.
My opinion is kill any dingo that shows any sign of aggression to humans. I know that will be unpopular, but I can't think of another way. The fines and "advice" are having zero effect. Most of the time the tourists that encourage negative dingo behaviour are long gone when that dingo exhibits these behaviours to other people.
I go every year, but this year am genuinely scared of taking my kids. We stay in a house, can't even think about what it would be like camping
Thunder for Lemmy is now on the Google app store. Best app available IMO
How the hell did we beat Melbourne?
An auto mall is obviously for someone with a lot more disposable income than myself. I thought the internet basically killed this style of retail
Images I've seen, half the house is completely obliterated
Courier Mail is the only news source I can find. I know people are touchy about news corp, so here's this instead.
PSPA declared between Nambucca Cl, Yaraki Ct, Pine River Dr & Drysdale Ct, encompassing Barnard Cr, Hastings St & Evans Ct. Hastings St & Evans Crt are closed.
Explosion Murrumba Downs
It is being reported on social media that a large explosion was heard and felt in surrounding suburbs such as Strathpine, Griffin, Kallangur and Dakabin.
Will post more info as it becomes available
Yep. Use mine regularly
Multi-vehicle traffic crash, Tanawha
This might've been why the Sunday evening drive back to Brisbane took so long Multi-vehicle traffic crash, Tanawha
PSA: Brouhaha Brewery Baringa has a great kids room
I can't take a photo without looking dodgy (you can see it on their Facebook) but Brouhaha in Baringa (new Caloundra development) has a great setup for kids.
Awesome beers on tap too.
For anyone who's kids are driving them nuts on school holidays, I can highly recommend it
Kidnapping and deprivation of liberty, North Brisbane
There is a lot going on here... Kidnapping and deprivation of liberty, North Brisbane
So who else is new?
Just signed up today with my favourite 3rd party app biting the dust tomorrow.
So far it's taken a bit of getting used to, but I quite like the look of the thunder app with Lemmy. Be keen to keep an eye out for kbin apps too.
Looks pretty quiet here though. Going to miss the 'why is there a helicopter over my suburb?' posts