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Comments 7
World’s highest solar plant by elevation goes online in China subpar_nsfw 6 0
I know there is a reference in there I am not getting. But the cold will also give it greater efficiency.
I guess this old glove isn't mine anymore. [OC] subpar_nsfw 6 0
And they eat spiders
Final Fantasy 16 producer Naoki Yoshida asks that modders please don't run amok with 'offensive or inappropriate' shenanigans now the game's on PC subpar_nsfw 5 0
How long for TTP?
What is the best way to encrypt a USB drive that can be used on multiple OSes? subpar_nsfw 1 1
Get a Kingston IronKey. I have personally used the D500S. This is an off the shelf solution so it is a bit pricy. But it does look like they have lower versions in the same product line. Maybe you will find something that fits your budget.