God of rain may not like that and send a zeus bolt at you... Otherwise I love it lol.
14 0 ReplyMudSkipperKisser OP Oh I had not considered the gods! Curses…
6 0 Only after reading this did I realize that this isn’t !
6 0 Reply
aeronmelon Get a bunch of friends with the same umbrella, go out to a public place, and yell “SHIELDWALL!”
11 0 ReplyElJefe Them calves tho…
11 0 ReplyMudSkipperKisser OP Oh! Hubby is a mountain biker, he will be delighted to hear of the calf appreciation
10 1 ReplyElJefe Tell him ElJefe from lemmy says he’s jealous!
5 0 Reply
WhyFlip How fucking stupid.
14 5 ReplyBruceTwarzen I dunno, i was 14 once.
10 0 ReplyMudSkipperKisser OP Well good morning to you sir!
7 0 ReplyASeriesOfPoorChoices with a penis, that's how.
2 1 Reply
KittenBiscuits If i had seen an umbrella like this from my office window, it would have given me a good chuckle. You will be sure to brighten other's dreary days.
8 0 Replysuperkret This would be perfect for mounting to a pole sticking out at the front of my bicycle.
4 0 Replysubpar_nsfw Hasa Diga Eebowai
3 0 Replyt_berium
'I love to say 'fuck'' What? No Murderdolls/Wednesday 13 people here?
2 0 Replysynae[he/him]
I say fuck every night and day
2 0 Reply
dodgy_bagel Y'all know this umbrella wasn't bought to block rain, right?
1 0 Reply