IIRC it was the same story with iranian, north korean and chinese equipment and munitnions yet russians stuck to the narration of domestic production and collective west made an angry face, with a few sactions thrown here and there. I think equipment and ammunition were much greater escalation than boots on the ground, greater in a sense real impact on the war.
Quotes their comments on the presence of nk troops, not on the implied systematic face burning. And then they admit they cannot verify the video. It's the fucking buryats all over again
But why north koreans and not any other foreign nationals they've conscripted/employed?
Does it? I think this person suggests that this media outlet is making shit up. As to why mention it - because making them cartoonishly evil diminishes the weight of what they've really done - among other things.
Libs will do anything but touch the corp :v
being critical of any authority or power structure is essential to the democracy itself, but I guess in neofeudal hellscape liberal democracy you can't do that :v
I mean... SAM would track them better than any account!