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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Seeder for private torrent tracker
  • Do you want to supplement your usenet sources? If so, what type of content/language are you looking for? Do you have any proof like screenshots of the old times left?

    Things that should be answered before anyone would consider giving away an invite, because that is also a liability.

  • Retain source IP when proxying through VPS
  • I guess your OPNSense rule from Edit3 is not working because the source is not your mailu instance, because connections are initiated from the outside and mailu only answers (TCP ACK). So you have asynchornous routing.

    You may get this working if you set the "reply-to" option to the wg gateway on the firewall rule that allows VPS -> wg -> mailu traffic.

    However there is a much cleaner solution using the PROXY protocol, which mailu seems to support:

    They are using traefik, but nginx also supports the PROXY protocol.

  • What's an elegant way of automatically backing up the contents of a large drive to multiple smaller drives that add up to the capacity of the large drive?
  • I ran into the same problem some months ago when my cloud backups stopped being financially viable and I decided to recycle my old drives. For offline backups mergerfs will not work as far as I understand. Creating tar archives of 130TB+ also doesnt sound like a good option. Some of the tape backup solutions looked to be possible options, but are often complex and use special archive formats...

    I ended up writing my own solution in python using json state files. It's complete enough to run the backup, but otherwise very work-in-progress with no restore at all. So I do not want to publish it.

    If you find a suitable solution I am also very interested 😅

  • A dozen or two TB of storage for media on the cheap?
  • If this fits your budget (you still need the actuals disks..) it's not a bad choice. Speed should be sufficient for HDDs, as it's USB 3.

    As the other poster suggested, don't use its hardware raid. Use it as a JBOD and configure the raid in Linux with ZFS or similar.

    And never forget: RAID is not a backup! You still need to do regular backups, at least for important data.

  • Sync bash aliases and ssh keys across devices
  • I'm surprised no one mentioned ansible yet. It's meant for this (and more).

    By ssh keys I assume you're talking about authorized_keys, not private keys. I agree with other posters that private keys should not be synced, just generate new ones and add them to the relevant servers authorized_keys with ansible.

  • Dropbox 8TB weekly upload limit
  • It would not be for me, but they just sent me this chat message which is concerning:

    We are currently seeing unexpected growth across Dropbox Advanced, and as a result are currently only able to grant 1 TB per month per team. We understand this may be frustrating and are working to resolve this for our customers.

  • datahoarder restlessyet

    Dropbox 8TB weekly upload limit

    Info for anyone switching from gdrive to dropbox like me, know that there may be a weekly upload limit of 8TB.

    Uptime-kuma & Docker: Timeouts when monitoring services on same host
  • It matters only if "the docker hosts external IP" your dns resolves is a public IP. In that case packets travel to the router which needs to map/send them back to the docker hosts LAN IP (NAT-Reflection). With cgnat this would need to be enabled on the carrier side, where you set up the port forwarding. If that's not possible, split-DNS may be an alternative.

    If "the docker hosts external IP" is actually your docker hosts LAN IP, all of that is irrelevant. Split-DNS would accomplish that.

  • Usenet block vs subscription accounts
  • It depends on your usage. If you are downloading hundreds of GB per month or more, a block account does not make sense.

    Personally I get almost everything off torrents, so I also have some Block accounts which last me many years for the occassional use.

  • why is Nextcloud so slow?
  • If you only want online file storage and sync, you may want to try Seafile. It's a lot faster and has been rock solid since 10+ years for me. Not viable if you need some of the many nextcloud exentions though