Greetings fam, i'm unable to download items from the google drive (Team drives). It keeps on popping up " The download quota for this file has been exceeded" let alone tryna download after 3 days of gap & different VPN servers thinking it would refresh the limit but nope still the same issue.
Would be glad if there's a solution to this. Thanks in advance.
Create a folder in your google drive, then make a shortcut of the file you want to download and move it to the folder you created. Then add some small file like random txt to that folder. Finally, download the whole folder. Now google drive should compress files in folder to zip file and after a minute or so download should begin
It would more than likely be a stream of different colored bars representing bits or something, you would need a LOT of video to store any reasonable amount of data and have it get through youtube's compression.
Not sure if it works for this specific gDrive error but usually when I wanna download something but Drive won't let me I add a shortcut to it in a folder in my own gDrive account alongside a dummy text file, then I right click on the folder and download the whole thing as a ZIP.