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Comments 9
SQL Noir 3 0
This seems like it was made specifically for me and my interests.
Google’s new AI video model Veo 2 will cost 50 cents per second | TechCrunch 2 0
At least it’s not 50 cents per second of processing time.
Life isn't easy if your last name is 'Null' as it still breaks database entries the world over 65 0
I was NaN years old when I learned this.
Anti-homeless architecture 4 0
Then they discover the beds in the jail cells have arm-rests installed right in the middle.
"Don't tell me what I can't do!" - John Locke (Lost) 4 0
Your comment had 1 upvote then I upvoted it so the count went to 2. I just thought this should be added to the historical record.
it's how the basic linear algebra subprograms are implemented 8 0
I’ve delved into writing assembly only on the level of a student project. I really enjoyed it though. Obviously implementing a python math library would be far more complex but wouldn’t it be worth it for the possible performance gains?
it's how the basic linear algebra subprograms are implemented 4 0
What is the reason to avoid assembly? Is it prohibitively difficult?