Because I like to eat fluffy rice, not soaking wet rice.
These corpos have PhDs in creative accounting. A billion dollar revenue at the box office would still count as a loss on the ledger so as to fuck over everyone naive enough to opt to get paid out from "net profit"
Salute to our streaming bros for being human shields for us.
Imagine the gravitational field ripples we're just able to detect are actually from extra dimensional cosmic dogs schlopping gravity
Somewhere in the world, somebody can look at this and truthfully say "she's my type."
Who tf decided that a 0 prefix means base 8 in the first place? If a time machine was invented somehow I'm going to cap that man, after the guy that created JavaScript.
Ring 0 all the way baybee!!
tfw koalas have two opposable thumbs but not enough brain folds to use them efficiently
almost like the caste system was an artificial social construct invented by the elites to ensure they stay on top