For how long? If the human body has 206 bones, you might end up losing 25% of your bones in the near future. Take care and be well!
As a young teen, I used to love to entertain the thought that my watching the game on TV would somehow alter the trajectory and the outcome of the score. If my watching the game is irrelevant, what’s the point of paying attention?
It’s narcissistic egocentrism, but hey for parallel universes and Heisenberg pop science
The alleged post-pandemic chip scarcity made me believe that cars would have less bloat. Electric cars made me believe that the future trend of cars would be smaller and lighter cars, to increase their range. It looks like we are headed to road smashing trucks that are deadlier to anything but their own driver
I admire how the victims of Microsoft Windows are fed msn news directly in the comfort of their start menu
What debate? Why can such a thing as a debate exist? You’ve got a conflict of interest between children’s public health and corporate profit and we know which side is winning. Public health can’t be measured in economic terms because we lack a children’s market
The translation pop up is annoying but the service is done offline, which is nice. Nevertheless, I have never had any need for those, which sad
It’s got bloat like the pocket thing
Tell that to my tailgaters
Minivan have more space in the same volume. They are really good
For 3,000 €, you can learn Spanish and pass your test there and still save 500 €. Nevertheless, I found German drivers to be among the best in the world, in terms of politeness maybe the training is worth the extra 3,000 €
Palestinians are experiencing a crash experience in Holodomor (Great British Famine by Proxy), a Pogrom and a Holocaust in their Kristallmonate genocide
May the big pedestrian run over begin
Live musicians give me goosebumps more easily than my HiFi headphones
Stairway to heaven; comfortably numb
If you want to track your money: quit alcohol, that shit makes it disappear at higher speed
Yeah depending on where you put it, it might shrink
This is the best advice because cooking healthy is cheap and protects you from illnesses. Being a bad cook, your relinquish autonomy. Bad cooking skills make you dependent from others who will feed you for more money and worse quality. Besides, inviting friends over for dinner makes you feel connected so it’s great for your mental health. Opposite sexes find good cooking skills attractive, you dont need to brag
I might get downvoted but it’s not betrayal. Betrayal would be if the pet called the cops on you. That’s why pets can’t talk.
Having the pet go anywhere else might be a let down but it’s not betraying you for wanting to be elsewhere
Eight Kilomoters an hour. I don’t understand miles but they sound better in American