Such a big fan of Alex Grey's work. Highly recommend checking out his book, Net of Being

Wu-Tang is for the children!

It was nostalgic the first time I heard it. Timeless indeed

That's fair. Agreed, I'd love to see that stat. For me, tracking public perception over time is helpful and insightful in its own way. For example: Anticipating voting trends and legislation.
It's also worth noting there are several barriers for effective cannabis research to happen, even with all the changes in legalization, production, and access. Here's an article from 2021 about research challenges, but progress has been made recently
A higher percentage of Americans than ever before believe marijuana is safer than tobacco, according to new research published in the journal JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) Network Open. “While rates of cigarette use are declining, more US adults are using cannabis”, states the s...

“More than one-third of participants felt that daily smoking of cannabis was safer than tobacco, and their views increasingly favored safety of cannabis vs tobacco over time (1742 participants [36.7%] in 2017 vs 2107 participants [44.3%] in 2021; P < .001)”