Tool - Lateralus (2001)
Tool - Lateralus (2001)

Surprised this hasn't been posted yet, kind of low hanging fruit but it is one of the best covers ever
shadowspirit I know this is an album art forum but damn I love TOOLs music.
9 0 Replysalton This album for sure has the best art booklet of any CD I've ever own.
7 0 Replydoodgelukkig
Here I go listening to Tool again.
btw this cover is made by Alex Grey if anyone want to see more of his art
5 0 Reply∟⊔⊤∦∣≶ OP
Have you seen the booklet? I guess you have.
For anyone else who hasn't,
The booklet is about 8 clear plastic pages with layers, so as you open each page it shows a lower layer.
It's really freakin cool.
9 0 Replydoodgelukkig
Aw yeah it really is amazing! Alex Grey and Tool go together perfectly
2 0 Reply
Such a big fan of Alex Grey's work. Highly recommend checking out his book, Net of Being
2 0 ReplySymphonicResonance
Same artist who did the art work for 'DMT: the spirt molecule' right ?
2 0 Replydoodgelukkig
Yes it is! According to a friend who has experience with DMT Alex Grey visualizes the experience perfectly
3 0 Reply
As a complete album, Lateralus is one of my favourite things to listen to. It's kind of amazing.
3 0 Reply∟⊔⊤∦∣≶ OP
Definitely, I'm a big fan of albums that just flow as one.
1 0 Reply