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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Comments 9
This charming magic zoo game is all about keeping misbehaving critters in check long enough to help them
  • And? Sometimes tough choices have to be made to stand up for the greater good!

    If devs realise people don’t want to support unity, and enough people vote with there wallets, they move to something else. Yes it might suck for some devs who can’t/won’t move but then thats there choice, just like it’s my choice to say screw unity!

    Years ago people fought wars for this thing called ‘freedom’ but then come technology and it’s now seems a thing of legends only a select few have! 😳😎

  • Why CCP haven't stopped trying to make an EVE Online shooter for 15 years
  • All I want is a way to sell my ISK to recover some of the £k’s I wasted in that game. 😳

    My jump freighter was lost and every year it was more of a grind to cover losses and just wasn’t fun anymore which is really the biggest problem! Nerf’s made ships bland and anything unique was nerfed so it was no longer unique… and now so much has changed there’s just too much hassle to figure things out! 😞

    And it’s not like I can afford the electric to run a gaming pc these days anyway! 🤦‍♂️

  • EVE Galaxy Conquest Is a New Mobile 4X Strategy Game Set in the EVE Online Universe - IGN
  • People still play eve?

    I can’t remember how much isk I have on my accounts but I’ve no interest in playing again but I guess I should do something with it. Maybe I can buy a few capitals and go on suicide mission to burn it all.

    Kinda sad you can’t just trade it to get some of the £1k’s spent over the years. 😞

  • Over 500 developers join Unity protest against Runtime Fee policy
  • This is the problem!

    Yes, i’m sure it’s a lot of work to move game engines but time and time again it’s the same story. Closed source anything is free until the easy money has been sucked up so why even bother with anything closed source?

    Sooner society stops feeding the greed, hopefully the sooner we get back to a sustainable society!

    Sadly i’m not sure it’ll happen in my life! 😞

  • UK: Wages £33,000 dropping with inflation while CEOs make 118 times more
  • Getting tired of all these news articles now.

    Someone wake me up when everyone else wakes up and decides enough is enough because clearly the news isn’t doing jack shit to stop it but people uniting and sticking together to fight all this crap before its too late!

    Just imagine how bad it’ll get when governments have robots that can be programmed to kill its own citizens instead of relying on humans with emotions§ to do the dirty work but hopefully I’ll be long gone by then! 😞

  • Rockstar takes items OUT of game you bought & paid for, puts them behind subscription paywall
  • and this is why I'll likely never buy another game from any company that uses microtransctions, in-app purchases, pay-to-win, rich idiots yacht fund, or whatever bs they call it these days... especially when these days they aren't even 'micro'!

    I really don't get it though. in-game purchases make every game just awful and yet people are spending 1000's on them and it's like how does anyone how that kinda money to waste when if I had that kinda money I sure as hell wouldn't be wasting it on shitty pay-to-win game!

    So hopefully if it turns out to be as shitty as people are starting to expect, how many people are still going to buy it..