I'm really worried about the state of GTA 6 if and when it ever comes out. It's all about money and not the games for Rockstar now and it's been that way for some time.
Buying GTA 6 or not, for me, depends solely on one single factor. Is the singleplayer experience worth the price?
As far as I'm concerned, the multiplayer doesn't exist. But if the singleplayer game is great, I'm not going to deprive myself of it to make a point. Good AAA games are hard to come by nowadays.
and this is why I'll likely never buy another game from any company that uses microtransctions, in-app purchases, pay-to-win, rich idiots yacht fund, or whatever bs they call it these days... especially when these days they aren't even 'micro'!
I really don't get it though. in-game purchases make every game just awful and yet people are spending 1000's on them and it's like how does anyone how that kinda money to waste when if I had that kinda money I sure as hell wouldn't be wasting it on shitty pay-to-win game!
So hopefully if it turns out to be as shitty as people are starting to expect, how many people are still going to buy it..
I think it is important to distinguish pay to win microtransactions from cosmetic microtransactions. The latter are a great way for rich players to support the game and get bragging rights, while not affecting other people's gameplay. Even 'pay to win more easily' can be fine if kept to a reasonable level.
I wanted to say CDPR, but I guess they fell from grace with CP2077.
I'd still rate them as rather trustworthy though.
Santa Monica Studio has also stuck to their guns with the GoW games and Cory Barlog seems to be a beacon of hope in this dirty industry.
Also Nintendo have been semi-decent. Yes the games are costly, but expansion packs are usually worth the dough if released. They probably fall outside the scope though...
My immediate thought would be Papyrus, who made the Nascar Racing games in the early 2000s, and has gone on to make Iracing. Though they technically don't exist anymore the Iracing crew is literally the Papyrus crew now.
One thing I find intriguing is the total 180 in people's opinion on this compared to when skull girls removed content from a game people had already paid for.
Personally, I hate when games remove content, and think it should always be an option to roll back your version to any previous update as a built in feature