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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Comments 35
What is your favorite mod?
  • Hoi4 player-led peace conferences. Because the game is literally unplayable without it

    P.S: I know this isn't the type of mod you meant, but often the small fixes are the most important

  • Wie ich mir unsere Europa-Karte von jetzt an vorstelle
  • Und würden die VSA überhaupt eine EU-Mitgliedschaft Kanadas zulassen? (I doubt it.)

    Was für ein scheiss Grossmacht-denken ist das denn?

    Die EU wurde unter anderem aufgebaut um auch den schwachen im kollektiv eine Stimme zu geben. Das wäre also eher ein Grund Kanada aufzunehmen!

    Den Rest des Kommentars seh ich ein und macht Sinn, aber diese Art von Grossmachtdenken scheisst mich so an. Kanada ist ein souveränes Land, die können tun und lassen was sie wollen.

  • Venezuelan Migrant Sent to Guantánamo Bay Is ‘Not a Criminal,’ Family Pleads
  • Sure, let me just fly across the atlantic to clean up the mess that you made while you and all the other ones responsible flee the mess.

    I will not take responsibility for this.

    That's not how this works.

    Germany and the germans had to take responsibility for what the Nazis did. The same way you and all us-americans will have to take responsibility for what Trump does/will do.

    Weasling yourself out of your responsibilities is highly irresponsible, disrespectful to all of Trumps victims and is directly enabling fascism. Remember that most Germans weren't Nazis, they were just willing enough to stand by as the Nazis commited their crimes. Enabling a genocide still makes you responsible for a genocide.

    The quote of Martin Niemöller comes to mind.

    And if you really want to leave: Please don't come to Europe. We already had one Martin Niemöller and learned our lesson, we don't need you anymore for that.