Monero-chan's body is my one and only desire in this world. Spanking her, fucking her, kissing her, touching her, i dont care, all i want is Monero chan.

saw that :D

Interesting thoughts. I don't use any third party software either, it's just a bad practice unless you absolutely need it, that's my take. Trades should be done in lengths, not all at once.
It would not be surprising to me if Cake is a honeypot. Anyone who brazenly encourages all of his users to download from Google Play is an idiot at best. Signal is also a honeypot in my estimation. Google Play provides the feds with near perfectly accurate metadata on who and how many are using apps that might break their control. if you have any further insights into why people feel this way about Cake, please share.


Cake people are fairly tight but something about them just rubs me the wrong way, not sure why.. Also, didn't Majestic rugpull? Or did that get resolved.

The site isn't down. If a site goes down for a few hours it doesn't mean a rugpull lol. Calm down.

yeah i know, I just meant functionally. But yeah, LM on decentralized networks, makes sense.

Does that mean the builds are reproducible? Sorry I'm kinda new to some of these things

Does SimpleX have reproducible builds?? Otherwise there is no reason to use the binaries.

Can you explain the difference between this and LocalMonero?

Ugh, I really wish I2P had been developed with interoperability with the clearnet from the get-go, like TOR. I literally have no reasons to use I2P unless I want to go through the hassle of compiling a resource book of I2P services for myself.

These guys also look good. Takes Monero.

OVPN looks nice, they have won in court before and they take monero. the way they run their servers looks great. based in sweden like mullvad. https://www.ovpn.com

Yeah but can't you only torrent I2P torrents that are made available on I2P?

Accurate af.
Also, "Professional software developer working on a monero fork"?? I can practically see the green shining off that text. No one talks like that. And no one who works on a fork calls Monero a criminal coin like some BTC maxi with zero technical knowledge.
He probably was hired by the IRS because those guys are so butthurt hahah

perfect cope from someone with zero evidence. a dead end: "Go audit the entire monero codebase". again, nice try glowie.

I usually try to be logical but your statements are blatantly false and liquid dogshit. Kinda glows tbqh

weak and scared copium enjoyer above me

Thank you for this update. Why didn't he say why he was arrested exactly?