And if you dig hard enough you'll see I'm an app architect closing in on 20 years in the industry.
Dude looks like he's wearing Gary Busey's face as a mask.
We had one particular drinking fountain in our fraternity back in the day that, after a hard night, could single-handedly pull you back from the brink of disaster in the morning.
The water throughput, temperature, and taste were always just right, regardless of the time of year.
Without fail; suck down some water for 60 or so seconds, take a long shit and get back at it.
Man it's been 20 years, the building is long-gone but I still think about that water fountain and it's perfect water.
Belcher-ass transportation mode.
Wtf, a nu-metal meme that doesn't include LP?
To answer the question though; crazytown 10 times.
Never been a big theater guy myself, but I would see the shit out of that ballet