Maker, baker, coder, musician & eco-geek.
Gen X permaculturist.
Often mixing code, volts and sounds.
Fablab co-manager at Pangloss Labs

@activistPnk here in France I think First Responders always have been able to change the lights, or ignore them with sirens blazing.

@activistPnk @GreyShuck I am waiting to see the results of the next experiment here. On Monday, we're getting a new high speed bus in its own bus lane that controls the traffic lights all along its route to have priority over cars. How the drivers react should be interesting.

@Starglasses that's my point.

@KISSmyOS @rickdg if realistic, that would offset on average 1 ton of co2e, so at that rate it would only cost $150 per year per person in the US to render the US carbon neutral.
You know, if the deal on offer from politicians was "pay $150 a year and we'll stop climate change in its tracks" I'd go for it in a heartbeat.
Why do I suspect it costs rather more than $10 to *really* offset 1T of CO2e? :blobcatsadpats:

@spaduf @I_Has_A_Hat I'd be much more confident in this if ANY government decided to spend money on it. Most of them won't spend money on bike lanes!

@idkwhatimdoing @pizzaiolo European here. I doubt if I average more than 4oz of beef per fortnight. And yes, I have the occasional steak.

@pizzaiolo I first read this as 12 individuals. Thought that seemed excessive then remembered some eating contests I've seen in Texas...