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Mike Knell
Mike Knell @ m

Middle-aged SRE, he/him. British but haven't lived there since 2008, currently happily resident in Austria. In a love-hate relationship with amateur radio since 1985. OE1OMK in JN88df or OE3OMK in JN87bq, depending on what day it is. Profile picture is reasonably accurate.

Posts 0
Comments 5
Dress for the job
  • @Soyweiser @maol Kids are really good at turning out okay. Look at all the kids from hyper-religious homeschooled fundamentalist families of 15 whose fathers would beat them while telling them God was telling them to do it who say “fuck that shit” as soon as they’re legally able to do so.

  • Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending 3rd November 2024
  • @dgerard @o7___o7 He was weird and creepy before that (see his attempts to make the Jargon File say that everyone in hackerdom was just like him), but yeah, hoo boy. Him and the LGF guy were prominent cheerleaders for Dick Cheney's wilder fever dreams back in the day. The LGF guy got better, ESR didn't.

  • That tracing woodgrains peice on David Gerard is out
  • @YourNetworkIsHaunted @swlabr As a parent myself I understand that my kids are not in fact my personal property but human beings in their own right who are capable of independent thought. That’s never struck me as being a particularly controversial point of view, but then I look at these creepy fuckers with their identically dressed kids smiling for the camera because they’ll get a beating later if they don’t and that just makes me shudder.

  • Inside the "Forbidden Courses" at the billionaire-backed University of Austin
  • @raoul Strong "that kid at primary school who took a few weeks of karate lessons then told you he could easily kill you so he had to be careful not to lose his temper now" vibes.