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m5rki5n m5rki5n
Posts 3
Comments 6
I've recently turned 20. What highly specific advice you, lemmy users, would offer me?
  • Так-так, це треба виправляти. Тому що Реддіт, де наших теж небагато, але більше ніж тут, це абсолютно неюзабельна хуйня. Дуже радий що навіть до України дійшли чутки про Леммі.

  • I've recently turned 20. What highly specific advice you, lemmy users, would offer me?
  • Кто то из Украины кроме меня знает про Лемми? Такое не каждый день увидишь :)

  • Switched to Linux, don't know what to do

    Hello everyone, I just installed Linux (I'm new to it), in particular Linux Mint, with dual booted Windows for games. Tinkered with it a bit, loved the way it looked, loved how fast it is, but I really don't want to stop on one option and stick with it for a while. I want to try new stuff, new distros (that's how you call it, right?), new customisation options etc. I really like setting up things how I want them to look like and function, and I'm not sure Linux Mint gives me the full potential of Linux.

    If I'm right, please recommend something that really will impress me with options (I wouldn't call myself tech savvy, but I like to learn), or, if I'm wrong, please suggest the way to customize the hell out of Mint, would really appreciate it.

    Thank you!

    edit: Thanks everyone for your replies, I'm really interested in KDE Plasma now. You are the best <3

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I think "niche" doesn't necessarily mean "unpopular", it's rather about the topics being covered. Without his awesome charisma and jokes he wouldn't be as popular.

  • Welcome to Ukraine
  • I'm not really familiar with nazi symbols, but I'm pretty sure it's not how it looks and should look the opposite way. The design is really similar though, so I'm not sure. Maybe they had different styles over the years?

  • lemmygrad being blocked

    So, comrades, I learned that, apparently, lemmygrad is blocked from other pretty popular but liberal (liberals block others, lol) instances and I don't quite understand how that works.

    I can't see posts that were made from other instances? I'm using Jerboa and have an account on lemmygrad and I can see posts from, but, I guess, I can't view even non-political posts like memes from instances that blocked lemmygrad?

    Kakhovka dam situation
  • By the way, my first post on the platform! Since reddit is going to shit with this API thing going on, I decided to look for communities elsewhere. Really enjoying experience here.

  • Kakhovka dam situation

    Discover the magic of the internet at Imgur, a community powered entertainment destination. Lift your spirits with funny jokes, trending memes, entertaining gifs, inspiring stories, viral videos, and so much more from users like m5rki5n.

    I just returned from reddit's front page because I had nothing better to do, saw post in r/pics and decided to check the comments... it was a mistake

    People cannot just think straight, right? They will believe every fucking piece of information they see, I presume.

    This tragedy is FULLY BENEFICIAL TO UKRAINE, IT first and foremost DAMAGES RUSSIAN LINE OF DEFENCE AND BARELY TOUCHES UKRAINE’S. That’s because right side of the river is much higher than the left side, so destroying the dam is just a shot in the foot for Russia.

    You can see it on the map, you hear it from the officials, you can hear it from UKRAINE that: “they knew all along” and it won’t affect their plans. HOW CONVENIENT!

    And all of that is not even considering that Ukraine has shelled this dam since Russia took it over (almost a year). You can see on the screenshot how many times dam and Novokakhovskaya Hydroelectric power plant were discussed in local Telegram channel and I swear, 70% of all of these posts are reports of bombings, explosions etc, they even have videos of it.

    But no, after all of that fucking information, people and their fucking rotten brains will still blame Russia for everything because #RUSSIAISATERRORISTSTATE

    give me a fucking break
