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limonade limonade

Vache de carnaval marine, je parle néanmoins portugais comme une vache espagnole.

Profil picture taken by Lynn Wu (according to the internet)

Posts 2
Comments 19
Our princess ruled
  • There are not enough women in the fediverse to maintain femme-centric communities.

    Or maybe they rather mask a man / gender neutral. Internet is not a friendly place to have girl oriented conversations. I made the mistake to be open about my gender with this account and the odacity of people is astonishing.

  • What fediverse software should I host?
  • That's an interesting point but my goal is not to help anyone but me making a bit of fun at learning a important subject I infortunately dislike.

  • What fediverse software should I host?
  • It also has a lot of fediverse softwares

  • What fediverse software should I host?
  • For now, I plan on keeping Windows. I also have bad experience with installing new OS. Linus is nicer to use pre- installed and parametrized on the school computer. Thanks for the advice. I did not know about ! oh... There is four of it :-) I won't need to be posting this kind of question in this community now

  • What fediverse software should I host?
  • Thank you. I will try Akkoma then.

  • What fediverse software should I host?
  • This looks super cool. I will look at that very carefully. Thank you!

  • What fediverse software should I host?
  • I don’t think anyone opens a port directly to the application

    Well, I don't really know what I'm doing so it may be pretty important. I will look for reserve proxy manager. Thank you for helping :)

  • What fediverse software should I host?
  • Thanks. I did not think of that.

  • What fediverse software should I host?

    I'm looking into hosting my personal instance of some fediverse software. I want to do it to grow my tech-literacy more than to host my own service. So I want to pick one in the fediverse, because I love the federation concept, but I'm open to a software I don't use yet.

    I have made previous attempt at hosting internet services a few years ago, mainly things my teachers told me to do. It was a big failure and I mostly remember from it that I got a hard time understanding instructions given on internet tutorials or at which point what I did was different from what my classmates did :( But I want to try again and do better! 😤

    I plan on hosting it on a old laptop I hope not to break completely and maby in a docker container (but I also used to have a hard time with docker)

    What fediverse software would you recommend me? Is there one that is easier to install than another? Or one with more clear installation instructions?

    Thanks for your advice!

    Supein sama
  • Et le Lichtenstein alors ?

  • Supein sama
  • In what world in Spain not a famous country?!

  • Threw a wrestling watch party, made special food, and was very disappointed in the outcome.
  • Why would you bring any on your own when he can get what he prepared eaten? You'll better off bringing people. The cheese won't be eating itself.

  • Warning required
  • Kartoffel. Danke schön.

  • Threw a wrestling watch party, made special food, and was very disappointed in the outcome.
  • Drop the alcool and I might join you. You could be in charge of some sort of Lemmy meeting.

  • Delectable
  • My bad. In my language we make the distinction btw semolina (coasted powder) and flour (soft and thin powder). What I would called flour-based pasta will have a very different texture from what I would called semolina pasta.

  • Delectable
  • I now want to visit Poland.

  • Delectable
  • It looks like semolina pasta to me.

  • I hate it
  • Why would you do this to me 😭

  • How to write a professional email in indian english?

    I'm a bit lost here. Should I use british conventions? US conventions? Is there indian conventions? Or maybe cultural points I should be aware of?

    Google is confusing me more than it is helping me?


    Israel to restrict access to Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque during Ramadan
  • The article couldn't figure out what is actually al-Aqsa mosque.
    The mosque in this picture is the Dome of the Rock mosque. Al-Asqa Mosque is on the other side of the plaza, behind the photographer's back!