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Holds dumb opinions on excessively expensive typing rectangles.

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Anyone here have or want a new Model F?
  • On my F77 I put a light coat of 205g0 inside the barrel stabilizer insert and it helps at least a little bit. I wouldn't go too hard with the coating though.

  • Why multiple keyboards?
  • I have multiple keyboards because one just isn't enough when there is so much out there. But really it's more of I want to using something that lines up with my preferences, and since I'm human my preferences change over time. I used to be a vehement clicky hater until I tried alps clickes which are just sublime. It's fun to customize anything to your liking, and that thing happens to be keyboards for me.

    The process of finding a really cool keyboard project and planning out a whole build is still fun after the 5 years I've been into mech keyboards. And there is no shortage of cool keyboards projects even if the hobby has slowed down from the COVID boom.

  • Swapping a PCB
  • For the Zoom TKL I know it isn't compatible with standard h87 pcbs as the USB port is in the center of the board. The h87nu might work but I'm not sure if it would physically conform to the case dimensions. Plus you would need the daughter-board for the 87nu which also might not have a spot in the case. Best case would be to ask in their discord and see if someone knows or can do a test fit.

    Or just wait for round 2 of the Zoom TKL, Wuque usually comes out with more PCBs on product updates like with the ikki68.

  • How similar is the Glorious Panda switch to the Holy Panda? Been seeing it around and they sound fantastic. Back when the Holy Pandas came out I couldn’t afford the keyboard hobby but now I can.
  • I've tried both and while there are some differences between the two. But both follow the same formula for a strong tactile MX switch. Just gotta lube + film them, and they're fine switches. It's worth reading the ThereminGoat reviews on both if you're set on only these 2 switches. But both Drop and Glorious have acted like total scumbags multiple times before so I'm not too keen on giving either one my money.

    Drop has had issues with previous batches being pre-lubed inconsistently. I remember that they said that they were going to stop having them pre-lubed, and new batches were still coming out with the same bad lube job from the factory. They also had a dispute with Input Club over the original Halo switch.

    Glorious has stolen keycap designs, and also attempted to trademark the name "Holy Panda."

    Boba u4t's are a well-reviewed alternative to both and are much cheaper than the Drop pandas, and are available in most regions. Plus the housings are super tight so you don't even have to film them.

  • New switches?

    I love custom mechanical keyboards but is the wider community limiting itself by only sticking to MX switches? I know there are projects out there for custom topre, space invader, and alps. But with all the research the community has done, why hasn't something truly unique come to market yet?

    Using and reviving old switches is great but is there anyone working on making a new switch that isn't affiliated with a large manufacturer like gateron or kailh?
