So, I have a 100% Keychron Q6 that I've changed the switches and caps on, and it's been treating me very well!
I've had the urge to build another (TKL) board to take up less space, and maybe have some different switches that are less for productivity and more for gaming.
What do you guys build/ keep multiple boards for? Work/ Play/ etc?
I have multiple keyboards because one just isn't enough when there is so much out there. But really it's more of I want to using something that lines up with my preferences, and since I'm human my preferences change over time. I used to be a vehement clicky hater until I tried alps clickes which are just sublime. It's fun to customize anything to your liking, and that thing happens to be keyboards for me.
The process of finding a really cool keyboard project and planning out a whole build is still fun after the 5 years I've been into mech keyboards. And there is no shortage of cool keyboards projects even if the hobby has slowed down from the COVID boom.