No need to be unfriendly. I modified my original comment to make sure everyone understands what they get when they install this keyboard.
Surely using sudo
in the prompt will not work anyway.
I don't get that 'Gentoo takes forever' argument. With todays hardware it's really a non-issue. Just let the updates compile in the background while you do other stuff. My Arch install broke several times, not so my Gentoo. Also, the Gentoo community is really kind and don't treat you like an idiot for not knowing something.
Askey myself the same and found it here
Why are his legs so small?
For me, the lack of shaders was always the main turnoff. It looks so bad compared to Minecraft with shaders.
I'm currently backing up my /dev folder to my unlimited cloud storage. The backup of the file /dev/random
is running since two weeks.
loop {
rsync -tu bkp.tar.gz bkp2.tar.gz
rsync -tu bkp2.tar.gz bkp.tar.gz
TIL there are animals called Ass
any recommendations where to get powdered babies?