Minetest (specifically Mineclone2) is an impressive feat, and a very faithful reproduction of the original. I pretty much used the Minecraft fandom wiki to progress through the game. Hours of fun was had without handing money to M$.
I only really stopped because the redstone functionality wasn't fully implemented.
I haven't had the urge to play it recently, so I haven't tried it since the name change. I heard they were diverging a bit from being a Minecraft clone, are there many large changes?
I primarily prefer it because it does pretty much all the Minecraft stuff I want it to do, and it's got other games available as well. Plus, completely Linux compatible and no Microsoft account!
I completely get where people are coming from with that opinion, but I've been playing MC for almost 15 years, and I'm having just as much if not more fun with the game now as I did at any other point in its development.
Minetest is super cool and can be very fun. I play a bit on it as well, but exclusively advertising for it on the platform of hur dur mineshit sucks, which isn't necessarily what you're doing, I just see that a lot, definitely isn't the best way to go.
Yes, it's certainly changed for the worse since I've played it. I quit fairly soon after they announced that I would need to eventually migrate to a Microsoft account. Seeing some of the things they've done since then doesn't make me miss it!
Sounds super cool :o ... Am still kinda salty about M$ blocking my account and holding my copy of Minecraft (that I paid Mojang for, well before it was Microsoft's!) hostage because they want my phone number, though. 😠
... Also I kinda wanna know if it's got the moddage I love about Minecraft, but am afraid to ask because I'm stuck on a laptop that can't really run much without getting all melty 😅
Yep, I didn't convert either of my accounts over as well.
I would just try it and see what you think of it! It's completely free. Minetest is the program you install on your computer, and then there are lots of different games that you can download and try inside of Minetest. There's more besides Minecraft-likes that you can try, and there are definitely mods available. I never modded Minecraft though, so I'm not sure how they compare.
As to system requirements, it could run pretty well on a six year old Android phone the last I tried. It might be worth a shot on your laptop! Be aware that it'll probably be a somewhat different experience than Minecraft, but not necessarily in a bad way!
I played quite a bit of solo mineclone2/voxelibre. Really good stuff with a surprisingly short wishlist on my part.
It's silly, but one of my favorite things is that it fires up the launcher in under a second. Reminds me of when software wasn't bloated halfway to hell. 😁
Its been a while since I played Minetest but I remember exploration being very subpar compared to Minecraft but the engineering aspects (I think the redstone equivalent is called mese?) to be far better.
It's not like they're stuck on some outdated proprietary engine like RPG Maker. Minetest is under active development, with a small list of dependencies that are also under active development. It is under no particular rush to get off of X11/Xwayland.
Individual apps, particularly full-screen games, shouldn't need "Wayland support"(quotes because what that means will vary between implimentations).
Now, if you have to install xorg on a system that doesn't have it in order to play a game? Yeah that would suck, although games are on my personal shortlist of application categories that should always be run from a flat-pack/equivalent and/or containerized wherever possible.
Now I think about it, why don't (anti-cheat)games just run their own VM's and "calibrate" those versus any weird system variables? Seems like a better anti-cheat than hacking-my-kernel-to-make-sure-I'm-not-hacking-the-game...
Even if you use Flatpak, you need XOrg / XWayland on the host system.
Fedora Kinoite/KDE and the KDE Plasma desktop on its own are especially annoying, as I have no idea how to turn off those legacy support services from constantly running, like XWaylandVideoBridge (never used) or XWayland entirely.
I think Windows is just too bloated to also use Containers. With WSL they found a good way and apps should totally run in containers, but this is simply not yet done.
VMs would suck for efficiency as they rely on CPU virtualization and GPU passthrough. The former will never give native performance
It's open, it's free, and it's fun! It's got a ton of mods and custom games to make it whatever you want out of a voxel game. That's everything I need.
While in game, Escape>Change Keys> in the right corner checkbox called "Double tap 'jump' to toggle fly". For flying faster, you can press J (by default?) to enable fast mode, you can change how fast it is in the settings menu, in the main menu. This is all assuming that you have the 'fly' and 'fast' privileges.
All players should check the settings menu at least once, I changed many things in there, and you should too. One of them was enabling the crosshair in the Touchscreen menu on mobile , it enables a much smoother experience on mobile.