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flaeky pancako
flaeky pancako @ fleeky

i.. i just make .. i just make eyeees !?

5 yr. ago
  • @emperorofmars to me the biggest problem with gltf is its extensibility cannot actually be easily used without heavy export/import work per extension.

    was reading about your stf endeavor .. would it be possible to abuse the 3d format further by embedding extensions in the file itself?

  • @NocturnalMorning side note , do you have a link to your game you are working on? besides all this bickering i would love to see what you are working on..

  • @NocturnalMorning @FencerDevLog you really have three options here :

    a) switch engines highly recommended

    b) be the change you want in the world , submit patches and try to make godot better

    c) continue to be upset and just complain a lot definitely most fun option

  • @teawrecks @ArmoredThirteen blender is pretty big and I would say it's community is still pretty good , especially as someone who has been using it since like 2003.. that said maybe blender was just lucky or has yet to start to decay ?

  • @DJSpunTheDisc @anteaters counterpoint, unity editor is unusable to linux

  • @julianh i am confused , when they mention adding in a linked collection and appending -noimp to the collection ,,, are they saying that all the objects in that collection will be ignored? i was under the impression that import hints only work for object names,, but if they also work for collection names for all children in a collection that would be a huge time saver.