I have to point out that Futo is not open source, it's source available, but yes it's pretty good and I've been using it for a couple months.
Oh ok, that makes more sense. Then just like the other person says, it's most likely a user permission error. Is your dockeruser in the docker VM the same as in the other VM? As in the same uid and guid? This week I created a NFS share to mount for a container and I created a new user in both side with the same uid and guid. I suggest you to use a high uid and guid to avoid conflicts.
Edit: I think I know what is happening. The users in the allowed users at the smb conf file are not the same as the Linux users. You have to create those users with the smbpasswd command. You probably have anonymous login enabled, so when you mount the share you are actually mounting it as an anonymous user and that's why it's read only.
First of all, docker is not a VM. And for your issue, don't mount file shares like that in docker. Mount the file share on the host and then add it to the container as a volume. Again, a container is not a VM. It seems like you are trying to use a container like a VM. The only reason to mount a file share inside a container it's if the app inside the container supports and can handle file shares by its own like nextcloud.
Ctrl-V is to enter vertical visual mode. After selection use Shift-I to insert the text. It will look like you are only inserting in one row but after exiting insert mode, esc, it will apply the changes in all selected rows.
Are you using battery thresholds and keeping your laptop connected? There is a bug in ThinkPads, at least with my t480, in which the batteries get discharged over time but doesn't get reported which causes the sudden power off. If you are using TLP I suggest you to either force a full charge or a recalibration to charge your battery properly. Also don't discard the possibility of having a broken battery.