Hi there - I’m trying to dive into neovim and I can’t figure out how to do a certain thing in visual block mode…
Is there a way to extend a cursor/block column down from a long line through a series of shorter lines such that the short lines extend to meet the cursor (thus letting you enter text all in a column)? All I can seem to get it to do is have the cursor go to the end of each line, leaving a set of entry points staggered over a different column positions.
I think the feature I want is called Virtual Space, but I’m not sure. I am sure, however, that I use this feature extensively in Ultra Edit and Notepad++ (and mssql mgmt studio and visual studio but not vscode!)
Is there an add on? A plugin? (bonus points if the entry points remain highlighted once going into insert mode after the block is selected?) I’ve seen suggestions to try using the ‘virtualedit’ setting, but unfortunately, this doesn’t seem to solve the issue. It only adds text to lines that are already of length greater or equal to the column position of the block selection. Unless I’m missing something.
Ctrl-V is to enter vertical visual mode. After selection use Shift-I to insert the text. It will look like you are only inserting in one row but after exiting insert mode, esc, it will apply the changes in all selected rows.
Hi there - I'm fairly certain I've tried this but it doesn't give the desired visual feedback you get with multi-cursors or in the example I'm showing.