Hiya, I am ejra212 [he/him/his], and I'm generally friendly, but if you're a KKKraKKKer or a KKKumSSKKKin, then prepare for my wrath. I will avoid debate perverts like the plague. Don't like it? Then fuck off. I've got problems in life, okay? Can't deal with faSSciSStSS.
I personally think that you all were very patient with that KKKumSSKKKin (yes, I use these spellings at times.) I mean the fact that the uSSer was saying they didn't give a shit about voting, and yet encouraged us to vote for fucking KKKopmala HarriSS means that they were either a weSStern leftiSSt, a shill for the DemoKKKratSS co-opting leftism, or a fucking troll.
I mean personally, I have very little patience for time wasters like them, so thanks very glad to you and all dear comrades who tried to explain eleKKKtoraliSSm to that troll.
I felt awful having to spell "leftist" like that, but it is for KKKraKKKerSS like em.
I am so glad that Assange is free, but it still makes my blood boil how AmeriKKKa, a country that calls itself a DemoKKKraSSy, can literally get citizens from different countries extradited for so called "crimes" not done in AmeriKKKa whilst not being a citizen of it. Death to AmeriKKKa and the firSSt "world" !
Yet you'll toe the line for the KKKraKKKer state, acting like the yanKKKee dog you are. I mean they lied about Saddam's WMD, lied about Gaddafi, lied about Vietnam, but they're telling the truth this time. Jesus, some of you KKKumSSKKKins have worser memories than goldfish for Christ's sake.
Eww, KKKraKKKer alert.
Death to the DemoKKKratiKKK party, death to the RepubliKKKan party, victory to Communism.