Invest more in materials science research and it wouldn't matter either way.
But I guess war is easier.
The EU still makes anything?
DivestOS was also cool while it was developed.
The US economy is too based on rent seeking for that to happen without a system disintegrating crash.
That is, maybe some polity occupying the territories formerly known as the United States could do it.
Which might be something motivating this "network state" bullshit.
They're doing quite a bit- just not much dick waving nonsense.
grander environmental reasons
No. Humans are not separate from "nature".
Know the terrible intentions of "environmentalists" who would put you in battery cages.
Edit: Apparently, this touched a nerve. Let me say this: my experience with actually existing urbanism was a repulsive, mind numbing waste of several years that probably took even more years off of my life due to air/noise/light pollution. I have no problem with the concept of living near other humans- but I see few examples of such in my country that I could tolerate.
"Source available" grifter.
Well, yes. The US military is typically not deployed against people who can defend themselves.
Like a strict father
Is politics just the spectrum of daddy issues an individual might have?
flashed ... custom software
Any hints on where one might find details on this?
Included warranties are typically very short and extended warranties are worthless.
At least is a heavy lifting qualifier in this case.
I'm probably not getting enough ketamine in my diet.
Banning other slop machines will make this slop machine profitable?
I haven't really dug into this, but AirGuards github page claims the app scans periodically and will give you a notification on suspicious results.
the main issue is
Sure. But I've seen quite a bit of push back against rust from these sorts even outside the kernel.
Aha. It appears Google's release of android has that sort of functionality baked in. I wasn't aware of that.
Still, it seems out of scope for an operating system.
It looks like the EFF recommends some app called "AirGuard"- even over using the built in scanners.