doop @
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Comments 5
AMA calls for stronger AI regulations after doctors use ChatGPT to write medical notes doop 9 0
I'm not defending the use of AI by doctors but this comment feels a bit harsh. I wouldn't call our medical staff lazy, they're overworked and burning out. Maybe they were just trying to be more efficient with the limited time they have.
Daily Discussion Thread - Sat Jul 15 2023 doop 3 0
Apparently the local bakery has amazing bee stings. I haven't tried but they're highly recommended by a colleague.
Daily Discussion Thread - Sat Jul 15 2023 doop 2 0
I don't usually get nasal symptoms. But my skin was feeling so irritated today! Was also wondering if it was because of pollen 🥲
Moving Boxes? doop 7 0
I've seen people post in local Facebook groups asking for moving boxes and they usually get a pretty good response.
it's a daily thread, starring you and you and you and you and me doop 3 0
See you there! Literally just got into the car to go to Bunnings haha.