In the past, I’ve configured the heater to turn on automatically (disabling when away or in warmer weather).
It often gets coldest around 5am, so I used to schedule it to come on around 4am and then off at 6:30am.
These days I’ve got different setup (later work start + WFH) and don’t need it, but that method made it so much easier to get out of bed for my early commute for a couple of winters.
I keep meaning to look into home assistant. I just don't have that many things to automate I guess, but that heater trick sounds neat. I should probably just start with the heaters built in scheduling.
Me2: But it's warm and i have lemmy working on multiple apps now, I can scroll aimlessly for hours still.
Me1: Yes but the sooner you get up and make a coffee the sooner you'll be drinking coffee. You really want that coffee.
Me2: Yeah but if I get up I'll have to make the bed, have a shower, put the kettle on, wash a few dishes, hang out the clothes I forgot to hang out yesterday and there's so much to scroll and see. It's cold out there.
Me1: You'll be warm in no time now get up and stop whining. Coffee, coffee, coffee. We needs it.
I’m also not a coffee drinker, so that helps. If I’m extremely low on sleep (<6 hours), I’ll resort to some form of coke/Pepsi, but that’s extremely rare and basically an emergency method.
I’d love to see an automated daily thread. It’s like building the framework for the community to grow around.
I can't touch soft drink. Makes my gums piss blood when I floss or brush, and I have healthy gums. Dentist couldn't stop the bleeding no matter what she recommended. So I just cut back on things that aggravate the bleeding when I recognise them.
However when I do drink soft drink, it's Pepsi Max.
Coffee is good, caffeine increases the effect of painkillers like paracetamol and ibuprofen
(I'm displeasedly rugged up at home with the worst cold I've ever gotten, it's almost as unpleasant as the plague but isn't)