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dogerwaul dogerwaul [he/him, they/them]

mid-thirties furry obsessed with music. send me recommendations! i'm some variety of communist and rather radical in my leftism. i'm a skeptic and atheist but not intolerant or arrogantly confident. feel free to hit me up any time if ya like.

Posts 1
Comments 18
Is it normal to feel like you are not a communist or slowly becoming less communist?
  • depends on what you mean. the principles which guide my morals only change when presented with significant reason to. i identify as a leftist in the political sense because it is where my beliefs closely align. communism doesn’t own the ideas central to my beliefs, and as i learn more about what it means to be a communist and how that group defines itself, i may find myself at odds with their overall interpretation and implementation of leftism.

    i used to call myself a communist and now i don’t. i wouldn’t say ive become “less” of anything that i previously was when i wore the communist label. one reason i stopped is i simply don’t feel it appropriate to refer to myself as a commie because i don’t put much weight behind what Marx or Engels said in the 1800s as a person living in 2025 and i noticed a lot of modern communists live and breathe for their philosophical analysis.

    but im still the leftist i was prior. if anything i have gotten further left since 2016 lol.

  • The United States, the world’s largest plastic polluter, recycles a mere 5% of its household plastic waste.
  • it’s already been mentioned in a comment but recycling isn’t nearly as helpful as it was intended to be and often acts like a bandage on a festering wound. we just move non-recyclable plastic from one area to another. there’s no real regulation over the labels used to indicate how to recycle something, so your guidelines are often wrong. idk it just seems like we pushed for Americans to recycle and then did absolutely no follow-up on how that was going and whether it was working or not.

  • People are flocking to Florida. Will there be enough water for them?
  • why the hell would anyone willingly live in Florida

  • On Friday SCOTUS Will Decide Whether TikTok Can Be Banned; We Told It The First Amendment Says No
  • the constitution doesn’t matter anymore. i mean, honestly, i think the document is irrelevant and should be disregarded in favor of genuine progress, but members of the oligarchy are ignoring these laws to supplement their own terrible version of reality. they are making their own precedents at the expense of the American people. Trump has shown the country that if someone is powerful enough they can do whatever the fuck they want with the influence they’ve accrued.

  • Big Agriculture is Leading Us Into the Bird Flu Abyss
  • i’ve been waiting for this strain of bird flu to reach human-to-human transmission. once that happens we are truly fucked. we didn’t handle COVID and the pandemic is still ongoing. people complained about “shut downs” in the US and there was no such thing lol. name a single state that shut down. name a small town! nobody was prevented from traveling, there were merely recommendations and advisories. anyway, bird flu is gonna be bad. i’m very worried.

  • Do you often dumb-down what you say on social media?
  • i have ADHD and i’m certain there’s a connection.

  • Do you often dumb-down what you say on social media?
  • if anything i smarten up. text allows me to organize my thoughts and analyze my word choices. i can say much more and provide more detail over text. when i talk i feel stupid lol.

  • What do you worry about the most?
  • i worry our species is irreversibly doomed. honestly, i feel certain we are yet i refuse to act as though i believe it. if i give in and give up and sit back and wait for the worst to come then i won’t be able to say “i tried” to whichever younger generation asks the rest of us why we did nothing and let the human race go extinct. climate change will likely bring about the end but any number of things could happen before then, and capitalism will have spearheaded all of them.

  • Exposing The Honey Influencer Scam
  • wow lol. this doesn’t surprise me at all. i had a gut feeling about Honey but couldn’t have guessed it was this insane.

  • If communist parties are so exclusive how do they become popular with the masses?
  • i would reject a communist group with that kind of mindset. we are in no position to be so focused on strict application of "what communism really is" at the expense of educating others against capitalism. we need to help deprogram and depropagandize the masses. especially in America, the proletariat are largely ignorant and kept that way. someone who is willing to apply leftist politics to their personal belief system should be seen as a potential ally. encourage those people to continue to think and expand their knowledge. class consciousness is not going to form if we means test the collective.

  • i’ll tell you what’s wrong with millennials
  • i can't believe they put that line in lmao. it's just wild to hear now.

  • i’ll tell you what’s wrong with millennials
  • wow i forgot about those. i bet they were better.

  • i’ll tell you what’s wrong with millennials

    we had an electronic toy bucket with a clown nose that shot its own balls out of its mouth and the game was you’d gather them up from around the room and shove them back in its stupid bucket head and it would suck its balls up and throw ‘em back out and you’d repeat that and pretend it was fun for more than five minutes.

    what do you think made us millennials the way we are? tbh i think zoomers are cool. they’re doing alright. they’re like my younger sibling. we were raised by the same bullshit.

    FBI says it foiled possible attack against pro-Israel group Aipac
  • someone’s never been told to not talk to cops.

  • Illinois police say 11 teens brutally beat men they targeted using a gay dating app
  • another example of how sexual minorities are still targeted in the US and are at risk of assault and death. i hope the two men who were victimized are supported by their community and loved ones. it makes me so angry that there are people out there who think gays are “normalized” because same-sex marriage is legal. far from it lol. we are still thought of as immoral and disgusting by tens of millions.

  • What made you join Lemmy?
  • i’m in the US and am becoming increasingly worried about privacy online (as if i needed more reasons). as a leftist, i believe it will become even more difficult to organize in the near future and want to protect myself as much as possible. i know nothing can truly assure me my information won’t be compromised but i’m going to try and do what i can to limit the possibility. also, dealing with reddit, twitter, and bluesky have convinced me to abandon popular social media. i don’t even like using YouTube.

    i want to belong to a community of likeminded people who understand the seriousness of privacy and the reality of potential revolution in the US.

  • Critical Illness in an Adolescent with Influenza A(H5N1) Virus Infection
  • i can’t see if they suspect where she caught it from or not. anyone know?

  • How people get rich
  • it really is little more than utter exploitation in the long term even if an obscenely wealthy person started off “honestly.” you don’t become a massively successful businessman in a capitalist society without playing their game, so eventually you will be the same as the scum who you sucked up to and worked for. they all abandon any principles they once had in favor of profit and power. it’s an endless game for them, always moving ahead.