depends on what you mean. the principles which guide my morals only change when presented with significant reason to. i identify as a leftist in the political sense because it is where my beliefs closely align. communism doesn’t own the ideas central to my beliefs, and as i learn more about what it means to be a communist and how that group defines itself, i may find myself at odds with their overall interpretation and implementation of leftism.
i used to call myself a communist and now i don’t. i wouldn’t say ive become “less” of anything that i previously was when i wore the communist label. one reason i stopped is i simply don’t feel it appropriate to refer to myself as a commie because i don’t put much weight behind what Marx or Engels said in the 1800s as a person living in 2025 and i noticed a lot of modern communists live and breathe for their philosophical analysis.
but im still the leftist i was prior. if anything i have gotten further left since 2016 lol.