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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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GNU Radio LoRa PHY level receiver & transmitter

Research results on reverse engineering of the LoRa protocol and an implementation in GNU Radio. An open source LoRa PHY layer project provides access to the LoRa protocol for researchers and hobbyists.

Do you think/feel that you are living well? Happily? Embodying your values and dreams? If so, how did this happen?
  • Yes, living well. Happy mostly. Embodying values and dreams - as much as possible since some dreams would have needed to be started years ago to be realized - like my vineyard and my orchard. Mostly it was reinventing myself every five or seven years to follow the lucre (in software development world look for the bright and shiny new thing).

    I was self employed for most of the time, and I can recommend that for those who have a pretty good work ethic. Having a goal in high school was also a key factor, since it led to a useful degree. I was also doing constant internal evaluation - like the feeling where you're going over your desired job description for a job interview - via a journal or a self help program like "The Red Bucket Strategy". So, in answer to how did this happen question: it was pretty methodical in using the steering gear you have to make course corrections all the time.

  • Chinese schools testing 10,000 locally made RISC-V-ish PCs
  • There's this back story about the "LoongArch instruction system, a RISC ISA that blends ideas from MIPS and RISC-V". The article says it is MIPS-compatible and even runs the same Linux code [Loongson's] old MIPS-based CPUs did. Why not just use RISC-V? MIPS is licensed from the USA. I guess they have a lot of legacy people at Loongson.

  • 'Cliff-Like' Collapse of Critical Current System More Likely Than Thought: Study
  • Is it just me, or does anyone else who sees temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit (without a Celsius conversion) in a summary of a scientific report like this just automatically consider it an American fluff piece and click-bait to be ignored?

    You should read the actual report

    It might be my naive reading, but it seems that flooding the ocean with 4-5% of the gulf stream flow with fresh water from glacier melt (I think that's a lot) will cause a shut down in the year 3700 or so. Even I, as a climate change believer, think that's a little too far out there to be considered germane.

  • I've recently turned 20. What highly specific advice you, lemmy users, would offer me?
  • Make note of your friends phone numbers, emails and addresses (not just via social media), especially the ones from earlier years, and keep track of them with regular calls, notes or visits. Forty or fifty years from now, after the cycles of graduations, weddings, babies, moves, etc. you'll have some golden relationships.

  • Raspberry Pi is 4.5 times faster than the Cray 1 was in 1978

    From an evaluation by Roy Longbottom, this interesting observation:

    In 1978, the Cray 1 supercomputer cost $7 Million, weighed 10,500 pounds and had a 115 kilowatt power supply. It was, by far, the fastest computer in the world. The Raspberry Pi costs around $70 (CPU board, case, power supply, SD card), weighs a few ounces, uses a 5 watt power supply and is more than 4.5 times faster than the Cray 1.


    Sinopec says gasoline demand will peak this year China Reaches Peak Gasoline in Milestone for Electric Vehicles

    Sinopec, the country’s top oil refiner, brought its forecast forward by two years in a development that didn’t get its due.

    China Reaches Peak Gasoline in Milestone for Electric Vehicles

    BNEF journalist Colin McKerracher summarizes trends in China predicting a peak in fossil transport fuel: electric vehicle car sales, two and three wheeled electric kilometers traveled, electric trucks reaching the tipping point and ride hailing legislation.
