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Deaf Mutex

Taube Nuss mit chronischen Depressionen. Anonym der Gesellschaft wegen. Keinen Bock mehr zu schweigen. Tech-Nerd

Deaf nut with chronic depression. Anonymous for the sake of society. Don't feel like being silent anymore. Tech-Nerd

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Comments 3
Have watched TOS - Enterprise. Will watching Discovery-SNW increase my enjoyment of Lower Decks?
  • @wheeldawg @joe DIS had really bad scripts which appear to have been forced after a certain pattern. For DIS its clear that certain topics had to be extremely present. It never felt smooth or pleasant to watch the episodes (at least for me). I always felt being forced to notice these certain topics at any cost. For PIC its more subtle. The first two seasons could have been condensed to max 4 episodes. It appeared like the authors had no ideas & tried to stretch the story as much as possible.

  • Jonathan Frakes on Directing Next Generation, Lower Decks
  • @billmason @porthos @startrek I don't think that CBS had all the rights to all ST properties. Today CBS, Viacom and Paramount are united again, but not before end of 2019. For example:

  • Jonathan Frakes on Directing Next Generation, Lower Decks
  • @porthos @billmason Well DIS started a ST revival. Maybe without DIS PIC, LD and finally SNW wouldn't exist. The biggest problem DIS had IMHO, was the weird licensing situation, when DIS was developed. Basically the same Problem the Kelvin-Timeline movies had. It should look like star trek, but not too similar. Because this, DIS felt a little bite alien towards old ST fans. The biggest issue DIS had, is bad story writing aka character development. They were all crushed by the messias Burnham.