Have watched TOS - Enterprise. Will watching Discovery-SNW increase my enjoyment of Lower Decks?
My partner and I have just binged TOS-Enterprise last year and we are starting Discovery today.
I was just wondering if we can also start LD or will there still be jokes from Discovery (and the later shows) that we might miss out on?
I have really bad FOMO anxiety and am worried there will be references in LD that we will miss because we havent watched any of the new shows yet.
There are relatively few direct references to Discovery in Lower Decks. More importantly, you'll enjoy Lower Decks even if you don't notice or "get" a handful of references.
Lower Decks isn't good because it references older shows, it's good because it's funny and you care about the characters. There are people out there watching it and loving it with minimal or no prior Trek knowledge.
SNW has a Lower Decks crossover episode, which is hilarious. Imo, SNW is essentially the only good characters taken from Discovery (which is fucking awful) and put in a far superior Trek. It's got the same "doesn't take itself too seriously while still addressing serious things" as some of the light-hearted Voyager/DS9 episodes.
That’s because SNW is traditional episodic Star Trek whereas Discovery and Picard are serialized series. Serialized series need to constantly escalate the tension and threats so you tend to get super serious action drama. Meanwhile, episodic series can get away with doing stuff like “how would the crew react to the entire ship turning pink?”
They both have their place in television, but Star Trek better lends itself to episodic format where you can have breaks to reset the tension.
This is a really good take. I have enjoyed the serialized shows -but they are a juggernaut of emotion and intensity to watch. You tend to watch them once, and it's a fairly wild ride, but then it's done. I suspect that I will be re-watching episodes of SNW and lower decks for years to come, as I have for TOS and TNG. That's how Trek wormed it's way into my brain in the first place.
I enjoy Discovery, although it takes a little bit to find it's feet. Due to the nature of the show (you'll understand as you watch) there can't really be any references to it in Lower Decks. Strange New Worlds and Lower Decks haven't co-existed for long so there aren't many references there to start with.
That being said, Lower Decks mostly references older Trek. You're more than prepared.
The ships existence wasn't broadcasted or well known. Only two of her class were built and both had an extremely classified propulsion system that wasn't talked about outside of Admiralty, Section 31, and specific Enterprise crew.
Also Discovery wasn't marked down as missing. She was marked down as destroyed.
There's no real reason for Lower Decks to ever mention Discovery in any fashion without it being a super reach. It'd have to be something like just adding 'Discovery' to a list of ships destroyed during a specific period.
If you’re saying that the 90s shows have more direct references in Lower Decks than Discovery, I can agree.
I’d add The Animated Series too though. There are many Easter eggs from TAS included.
However, the OP should be aware that Lower Decks is written to be enjoyed by those completely new to the franchise. The deep cuts are added value not a necessity. There are numerous new fans that watched Lower Decks and only later got to the other shows they reference and enjoy discovering in reverse.
Discovery in-universe becomes a secret at a level that it’s not the kind of thing the Cerritos crew would know about from reading historic resources.
I think having multiple galaxy spanning events all spun around one particular character is the trouble for me. Didn’t mind Burnham but…spoilers ahead.
Turns out she is related to spock. Oh and started the Klingon war. Oh and finished it.
Oh and also she was the only one who stopped the apocalypse cos it was actually her mum who was a time traveller. Oh and she disobeyed all the orders but got to be captain. Oh and then something about another galaxy spanning event.
I stopped watching not long after.
Also part of the beauty of Trek for me has been the ensemble cast full of interesting characters. I honestly can’t remember any of the bridge crew apart from Burnham, Saru and Tilly.
LD and SNW and Picard S3 are outstanding in my opinion.
Keeping in mind that I'm just giving personal opinions, I found Discovery to be too... over acted? Maybe that was just how it was written but the end result, for me, was that I was constantly rolling my eyes while watching.
Picard seemed okay but in the end I didn't like the obvious appeals to nostalgia, for me it felt like it leaned too heavily on it instead of trying to stand on its own as a good show.
I have no idea if my experiences align with the broader community or not, but I found myself forcing myself to watch each respective show so I didn't bother watching when a new season came out.
Please don't take my comment as anything but me sharing my experiences with someone else who is a fan of the franchise.
SNW I'm totally on board for, though. And I was hesitant about Lower Decks at first but it's really a good show, imo. It's so good that it has me questioning my decision to ignore The Orville for being too silly.
Star Trek discussion /usually/ tends toward anything new being bad, and always has. SNW and lower decks are exceptions because they do so much fan service and return to a more classic Trek format. Discovery was groundbreaking in a way that I'm sure Roddenberry would have enjoyed, but groundbreaking also implies jarring change and throwing away things that work for experiments that sometimes don't.
@KirbyProton@PlasmaDistortion I love them both.
There are a few episodes of TOS and Enterprise that I don't much care for, but overall I believe that Gene Rodenberry, Gene Coons, and Dorothy Fontana have done more to define our role in the universe and our responsibilities to each other than Karl Marx.
A lot of things related to Discovery are supposed to be secret, so if they stick to canon, there shouldn't be much mention of Discovery at all I think. As of now there hasn't been much if anything related to Discovery discussed as far as I remember.
@saegiru@AirbrushThreepwood I enjoy Discovery - the story of Michael Burnham is fascinating and engaging, to me.
Once the strike is settled I'll upgrade my Paramount Plus subscription.
And I'll ask for an official "As Astra Per Aspera" poster featuring Una, too.
I love LD and I mostly like SNW. Discovery lost me near the end of season 2 (and almost lost me several times before). As others have said, the good characters went to SNW (except for Saru).
If you want an actually good show that has similar energy to what Disco was going for, while being majorly disloyal to it's source material (also like Disco) watch Foundation.