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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Most people saying this are transphobes anyway
  • when fascists say "so and so revolutionary movement will have you degenerates imprisoned and killed" they're not doing so out of concern. it's a mutually-suicidal curse directed outwards by those who will never be happy, and don't want anybody else to realize their true potential either.

  • Isreal is apparently a democracy...
  • insane that hungary and poland (rigged elections with fascist parties that even the EU distance themselves from) get higher scores than bolivia and mexico (plenty of opposition parties in power at least in state/department level). reads more like a settler colonialism map than a democracy map to me.

  • On joining a non-ML marxist party as a ML
  • Lenin was not a member of a purely vanguard Marxist party either; the RSDLP contained genuinely vanguardist elements, but also thoroughly reformist ones that agitated for better labor conditions but downplayed and even abandoned their struggle against the repressive Tsarist state (i.e. "Legal Marxism"). Organizations such as DSA in the States and Die Linke in Germany are similarly "Legal Socialist" or "Legal Social-Democratic" parties; unlike pure reformist parties (SPD, British Labour) they openly criticize capitalism, but are afraid to openly challenge the liberal constitutional order for (admittedly valid) fears of being criminalized. But there are elements that are worth engaging with, just as Lenin did. There is no shame in splitting to protect the revolutionary faction from revisionists/liberals, but it's also not ideal.

    I would suggest to engage in the party's associated organizations (youth orgs, student orgs). Look for what interests you, whether it is community/labor organizing, direct action, education, mutual aid, electoral campaigns, or even just showing up at a variety of the above and volunteering/baking cookies or something. If the party's organizations have an open political culture, there are bound to be activists you have affinity for. Develop your politics with those comrades, participate in readings/campaigns with your circle, and maybe evolve into a revolutionary faction. Only by demonstrating that the revolutionaries of the party are more capable of leading the proletariat than reformists can Marxist-Leninists in a left party gain hegemony over the broader social-democratic movement.

  • Hm, I wonder why those foreign strangers hate you…
  • if hogs simply waste their money on bibles instead of building cultural genocide camps missionary schools in the third world i would be for it, but knowing amerikkka it’s probably a right-wing money laundering scheme or a pedophile priest’s slush fund or something.

  • Opinions on Marijuana Legalization or on Cannabis in general?
  • legalize, but also build growers’ and dispensary collectives so that “big marijuana” doesn’t become a thing.

    the fact that the state violently criminalized black americans and counterculture elements in the war on drugs and is now legalizing/giving control of the legal drug market to bourgeois white liberals is a classic case of enclosure imo.

  • An official govt. website to carve out Ukraine's commons and sell them to the highest bidder
  • who knows, perhaps a few redditor crypto edgelords will get their hands on a few of the less lucrative ones.

    "I bought a lignite coal mine on the Dnipro for $169,420!! Slava Ukraini!" --> 4,200 upvotes

    "UPDATE: So it turns out lignite is f*cking worthless as a commodity, as an aside does anyone want to manage this huge mercury contamination on the property that I accidentally unleashed?" --> pepe emojis in replies