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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

Ich finde es sind die kleinen Dinge: Alltäglich Taten von gewöhnlichen Leuten, die die Dunkelheit auf Abstand halten. \- Gandalf

Posts 3
Comments 24
  • Ups... Ich mache das echt nicht mit Absicht. Vielleicht liegt es daran dass ich nur 4 Stunden geschlafen habe.

    Ich spreche Parsel um meine Brötchen zu verdienen. Und weil mein C++ zu schlecht ist

  • ich🐍🇩🇪iel

    Aus gegebenen Anlass meiner Langeweile. Und um Gandi mit der Schlagensprache etwas zu ködern



    Die Zeit im Zug will genutzt sein! Nicht gut genutzt, aber genutzt...



    Basierend auf einer wahren Geschichte.

    Citation Ascension
  • I made good experiences with Zotero. Works well with LaTeX, a browser-plugin allows to add papers directly and you can annotate downloaded PDFs. Only problem I had were the paper-metadata, which often needed some fixing. Also that you cannot host your own server is a slight disadvantage.

  • US slows plans to retire coal plants because of AI power usage
  • I agree that fear and NIMBYs are one key issue that hinders us into progressing into a green future. Although we may not agree how to proceed best, it is important that we take quick and large steps, and stay united against continuing the emissions of CO2.

    Thanks for the discussion :)

  • US slows plans to retire coal plants because of AI power usage
  • This study says otherwise:

    • We present a unique cost data set on 19 small modular reactors.
    • Manufacturer cost estimates are mostly too optimistic compared to production theory.
    • A Monte Carlo simulation shows that no concept is profitable or competitive.
    • Median NPVs are negative ranging from 3 (HTR) to 293 (SFR) million USD/MWel.
    • Median LCOEs start at 116 USD/MWh for HTRs and at 218 USD/MWh for PWRs.
  • US slows plans to retire coal plants because of AI power usage
  • If we had to decide between nuclear and coal, the clear winner is nuclear. As I stated in the other comment that renewables are more cost effective than nuclear, and thus, we can convert more coal to emission free energy than with nuclear.